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Use ESM with importmap to efficiently serve JavaScript without transpiling or bundling.


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Phoenix Importmap


Use ES/JS Modules with importmap to efficiently serve JavaScript without transpiling or bundling.

With this approach you'll ship many small JavaScript files instead of one big JavaScript file.

Import maps are supported natively in all major, modern browsers.


The package can be installed by adding phoenix_importmap to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:phoenix_importmap, "~> 0.4.0"}

If you are using the esbuild package you may also remove it, along with its configuration.

In config/dev.exs add the asset watcher to your Endpoint configuration:

watchers: [
  assets: {PhoenixImportmap, :copy_and_watch, [~w(/assets)]},

In config/config.exs add an importmap. The following is a good start for a conventional Phoenix app:

config :phoenix_importmap, :importmap, %{
  app: "/assets/js/app.js",
  topbar: "/assets/vendor/topbar.js",
  phoenix_html: "/deps/phoenix_html/priv/static/phoenix_html.js",
  phoenix: "/deps/phoenix/priv/static/phoenix.mjs",
  phoenix_live_view: "/deps/phoenix_live_view/priv/static/phoenix_live_view.esm.js"

If you are using topbar, replace the relative topbar import in assets/app/app.js with a module specifier. This asset will be resolved by our importmap:

import topbar from 'topbar';

You'll also need to replace the contents of assets/vendor/topbar.js with a wrapped version that supports ESM, like this from jsDelivr.

In lib/<project>/components/layouts/root.html.heex replace the app.js <script> tag.

Be sure to use your own project's module name in place of YourAppWeb.

<script type="importmap">
  <%= PhoenixImportmap.importmap(YourAppWeb.Endpoint) %>
<script type="module">
  import 'app';

Finally, in mix.exs update your assets aliases to replace esbuild with this library:

  "assets.setup": ["tailwind.install --if-missing"],
  "": ["tailwind default", "phoenix_importmap.copy"],
  "assets.deploy": ["tailwind default --minify", "phoenix_importmap.copy", "phx.digest"]

The phoenix_importmap_example repository demonstrates configuring a newly-generated Phoenix app.

Importmap configuration

  • :importmap - Map representing your assets. This is used to copy and watch files, and resolve public paths in PhoenixImportmap.importmap()

Asset path configuration

The defaults should work out of the box with a conventional Phoenix application. There are two global configuration options available.

  • :copy_destination_path - Where your mapped assets will be copied to. Defaults to /priv/static/assets which is the default path for to serve assets from.

  • :public_asset_path_prefix - The public path from which your assets are served. Defaults to /priv/static which is the default path for Plug.Static to serve / at.