E.2. Curation tracking / logging
The tracking of things can be incorperated into the RVT integration and the file upload tool works, so this milestone may not be requried at all.
A method to record all changes made in a dataset,file and sample by curators AND authors before publication
Discussions with curators has lead to realisation that this will need to track every update made to Dat…
The tracking of things can be incorperated into the RVT integration and the file upload tool works, so this milestone may not be requried at all.
A method to record all changes made in a dataset,file and sample by curators AND authors before publication
Discussions with curators has lead to realisation that this will need to track every update made to Dataset, Author, Links, Funding, File and Sample tables, particularly those made by authors via the submission wizard.
NB - this needs to be done before the Submission wizard is released.