Junyang Qian & Giacomo Lamberti
(CS229 Machine Learning)
The repository contains:
code: directory containing all the modules of the code:
1. main.py -> call the trainer 2. trainer.py -> train the models 3. datasource.py -> define dataset as iterator 4. dataset.py -> load the dataset 5. evaluation.py -> compute the evaluation metrics 6. eval_only.py -> perform evaluation (no training) 7. eval_custom_input.py -> read an interactive caption and pull out the top 10 related images (need the raw pictures to work!)
results: directory containing text files with a summary of the various results.
1. results_glove_mse_margin_01.txt -> summary of training of GRU+GloVe model 2. results_glove_LSTM_mse_margin_01.txt -> summary of training of LSTM+GloVe model 3. acc_len.txt -> R@10 vs length of the caption for 3 models
The dataset (1 GB), including 10-crop VGG19 features, can be downloaded by running:
wget http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~vendrov/order/coco.zip
The code can be run by going to the code directory and typing: python main.py
However, the code won't run without data.