This documentation provides an overview of the front-end structure, templates, and views for the project. It covers the system used to create front-end elements, explaining how everything connects and comes together.
│ ├── frontEnd # This app is where the magic happens
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── # This file is in charge of catching our URLs
│ │ └── # Where the logic for the rendered page goes
│ ├── main_app
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── # We must add our sub-apps to the "Installed apps" section
│ │ └── # Any app URLs must be included in the main
│ ├── static
│ │ ├── css
│ │ │ └── main.css
│ │ └── fonts
│ │ └── ps2p.ttf
│ └── templates
│ ├── gameButton.html
│ ├── home.html
│ └── main.html
main_app (Project Directory)
- The purpose of the Django project is to communicate with other Django projects and Apps to control the flow of the front end & the rendering of templates.
- Minimal logic should be applied, as the apps the separate django projects will implement the majority of the logic.
frontEnd (sub-app Directory)
- This sub-app is responsible for manipulating the base page for the SPA.
- most URL patters should be placed here
- most Views should be placed here
main_app (sub-directory of project directory)
- This is where the configuration and manager of the project are
- This directory should be handled with care
- Static files such as js, css, images, etc ... will be placed here
- HTML templates that are used in the project should be placed here
- These templates are modular, and can be injected within other templates (we rely on this for the SPA)
- Using javascript, we will fetch certain URLs that will return an HTML template, then inject the returned file within the base HTML template without any page refreshes.
- This file is used to configure our django project.
- In this file we define our databse configuration, static files directory, templates engine & directories, and our middlewear.
- We must define any additional sub-apps within this file.
- in this file we must include all our sub-apps' url patterns
- an example of this is the frontEnd app, we must include its URLs file to be able to handle the URL patterns related to it.
- In this file, we must define our URL patterns that are required to handle, and define which view they are related to.
- In this file we must define the logic to execute once a URL patter has been recognized
- In this file, we will define the structure and behaviour of the database tables.
- This file might end up not being used, since the other apps/projects will implement their respective models and this app will mainly be used for rendering logic.
- Can be used to customize the app specific configuration.
@ommohame @mfirdous @lde-alen @kamin