Releases: ghaiklor/kittik
Releases Β· ghaiklor/kittik
- πΈ add re-export for Declaration types (4c7add3)
Bug Fixes
- π canvas is not cleaning up when switching slides (e6c6dd9)
- π deck could exit while rendering (387c15f)
- π deck is not clearing up canvas when showing\exiting (2224e57)
- π Deck uses an old call signature for creating slides (f595679)
- π image shape is not rendering in iTerm (c9b0942)
- π update terminal-canvas with fixed eraseScreen behaviour (f580d68)
- π when passing custom canvas, it still resets the original (0748ffb)
Code Refactoring
- π‘ move canvas property from deck decl to constructor (104953f)
- π‘ swap order for canvas and declaration args in Slide (3de450f)
- πΈ add a meta package kittik that reexports everything (54fdf7e)
- πΈ Deck extends an EventEmitter and produces exit event (2d28c52)
- πΈ DeckBuilder can accept a predefined shapes\animations (64988f6)
- πΈ SlideBuilder can be started with predefined shapes\anim (1738ed1)
- 𧨠DeckBuilder has no longer methods withShape(), withAnimation(). If you
want to add a "global" shape, you can create a predefined set of
shapes\animations and pass them into DeckBuilder.start(shapes,
animations). - 𧨠DeckDeclaration no longer accepts canvas property. Instead, it must go
into Deck constructor as a separate argument. - 𧨠Slide constructor() has changed its signature from (canvas, declaration)
to (declaration, canvas)
- πΈ improve type check and autocompletion for SlideBuilder (559e1b3)
Bug Fixes
- π issue when delay could accept NaN or Infinity values (1905b0d)
- π issue when process.stdin could be not an interactive (5055370)
- π issue with animating text with print animation (b55f6bd)
- π issue with graceful closing the process (268dccf)
- π issue with regular expression for base64 in image shape (c3f9be2)
- πΈ add a possibility to override cursor when using builder (43b03aa)
- πΈ add Builder Pattern to Shape/Animation/Slide (d30c965)
- πΈ add name to the slides, so you can reference them later (f45e55c)
- πΈ DeckBuilder allows to create the whole decks via API (fc1eb56)
- πΈ implement more user-friendly error handling in slides (c494c26)
- πΈ implement passing cursor as an argument to renderer (594795c)
- 𧨠Any shape constructor now accept not the two argument (cursor, options)
but only the one (options)