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Adding GitHub Action for Variant Calling Test Run #17

Adding GitHub Action for Variant Calling Test Run

Adding GitHub Action for Variant Calling Test Run #17

name: Variant Calling Test Run
- 'variantCalling/variantCalling.wdl'
- '.github/workflows/variant-calling-test-run.yml'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install required tools
run: |
# Install system packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y wget curl unzip default-jre samtools bwa tabix
# Download and install GATK
sudo ln -s $PWD/gatk- /usr/local/bin/gatk
- name: Install Cromwell
run: |
mv cromwell-86.jar cromwell.jar
# Create Cromwell config file
cat << EOF > cromwell.conf
include required(classpath("application"))
backend {
default = "LocalExample"
providers {
LocalExample {
actor-factory = "cromwell.backend.impl.sfs.config.ConfigBackendLifecycleActorFactory"
config {
runtime-attributes = "String? docker"
submit = "/bin/bash ${script}"
submit-docker = "/bin/bash ${script}"
filesystems {
local {
localization: ["soft-link", "copy"]
caching {
duplication-strategy: ["soft-link", "copy"]
hashing-strategy: "path"
- name: Setup Test Data
run: |
mkdir -p test/data
cd test/data
# Download reference chromosome 20 from NCBI
gunzip chr20.fa.gz
# Add "chr" prefix to sequence name
sed 's/^>.*/>chr20/' chr20.fa > ref.fasta
rm chr20.fa
# Create sequence dictionary and index
samtools faidx ref.fasta
gatk CreateSequenceDictionary -R ref.fasta -O ref.fasta.dict
# Debug: Check the content of our files
echo "=== Reference FASTA header ==="
head -n 1 ref.fasta
echo "=== Reference FAI content ==="
cat ref.fasta.fai
echo "=== Dictionary content ==="
head -n 5 ref.fasta.dict
# Create and sort test region bed file
echo -e "chr20\t1000000\t1100000" > test.bed
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n test.bed > sorted.bed
mv sorted.bed test.bed
# Debug: Verify bed file content
echo "=== BED file content ==="
cat test.bed
# Test bed to interval_list conversion directly
echo "=== Testing bed to interval_list conversion ==="
gatk BedToIntervalList \
-I test.bed \
-O test.interval_list \
-SD ref.fasta.dict
# Generate BWA indexes
bwa index ref.fasta
# Create a minimal synthetic dbSNP VCF for testing
# Write header lines
echo '##fileformat=VCFv4.2' > dbsnp.vcf
echo '##reference=GRCh38' >> dbsnp.vcf
echo '##INFO=<ID=RS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="dbSNP ID">' >> dbsnp.vcf
echo "##contig=<ID=chr20,length=$(grep "^chr20" ref.fasta.fai | cut -f2)>" >> dbsnp.vcf
printf "#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\n" >> dbsnp.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000100\trs1234567\tA\tG\t.\tPASS\tRS=1234567\n" >> dbsnp.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000200\trs2345678\tT\tC\t.\tPASS\tRS=2345678\n" >> dbsnp.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000300\trs3456789\tG\tA\t.\tPASS\tRS=3456789\n" >> dbsnp.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000400\trs4567890\tC\tT\t.\tPASS\tRS=4567890\n" >> dbsnp.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000500\trs5678901\tAG\tA\t.\tPASS\tRS=5678901\n" >> dbsnp.vcf
gatk IndexFeatureFile -I dbsnp.vcf
# Create synthetic Mills and 1000G indels VCF
echo '##fileformat=VCFv4.2' > mills_1000G.vcf
echo '##reference=GRCh38' >> mills_1000G.vcf
echo '##INFO=<ID=TYPE,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Type of variant">' >> mills_1000G.vcf
echo '##INFO=<ID=SOURCE,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Source of variant">' >> mills_1000G.vcf
echo "##contig=<ID=chr20,length=$(grep "^chr20" ref.fasta.fai | cut -f2)>" >> mills_1000G.vcf
printf "#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\n" >> mills_1000G.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000150\tMILL1\tAT\tA\t.\tPASS\tTYPE=deletion;SOURCE=MILLS\n" >> mills_1000G.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000250\tMILL2\tG\tGTT\t.\tPASS\tTYPE=insertion;SOURCE=MILLS\n" >> mills_1000G.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000350\tG1000_1\tCTA\tC\t.\tPASS\tTYPE=deletion;SOURCE=1000G\n" >> mills_1000G.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000450\tG1000_2\tT\tTAGC\t.\tPASS\tTYPE=insertion;SOURCE=1000G\n" >> mills_1000G.vcf
bgzip mills_1000G.vcf
tabix -p vcf mills_1000G.vcf.gz
# Create synthetic known indels VCF
echo '##fileformat=VCFv4.2' > known_indels.vcf
echo '##reference=GRCh38' >> known_indels.vcf
echo '##INFO=<ID=TYPE,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Type of variant">' >> known_indels.vcf
echo "##contig=<ID=chr20,length=$(grep "^chr20" ref.fasta.fai | cut -f2)>" >> known_indels.vcf
printf "#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\n" >> known_indels.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000550\tindel1\tAT\tA\t.\tPASS\tTYPE=deletion\n" >> known_indels.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000650\tindel2\tG\tGTT\t.\tPASS\tTYPE=insertion\n" >> known_indels.vcf
printf "chr20\t1000750\tindel3\tCTA\tC\t.\tPASS\tTYPE=deletion\n" >> known_indels.vcf
bgzip known_indels.vcf
tabix -p vcf known_indels.vcf.gz
# Create test JSON with all reference files
cat << EOF > ../test-inputs.json
"PanelBwaGatk4Annovar.sample_batch": [
"sample_name": "test_sample",
"bam_file": "test/data/test.unmapped.bam",
"bed_file": "test/data/test.bed"
"PanelBwaGatk4Annovar.reference_genome": {
"ref_name": "hg38",
"ref_fasta": "test/data/ref.fasta",
"ref_fasta_index": "test/data/ref.fasta.fai",
"ref_dict": "test/data/ref.fasta.dict",
"ref_pac": "test/data/ref.fasta.pac",
"ref_sa": "test/data/",
"ref_amb": "test/data/ref.fasta.amb",
"ref_ann": "test/data/ref.fasta.ann",
"ref_bwt": "test/data/ref.fasta.bwt",
"dbSNP_vcf": "test/data/dbsnp.vcf",
"dbSNP_vcf_index": "test/data/dbsnp.vcf.idx",
"known_indels_sites_VCFs": [
"known_indels_sites_indices": [
"annovar_protocols": "refGene",
"annovar_operation": "g"
- name: Generate test BAM
run: |
samtools view -b -o test/data/test.unmapped.bam \
<(echo -e "@RG\tID:test\tSM:test_sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\n@SQ\tSN:chr20\tLN:63025520\nread1\t4\t*\t0\t0\t*\t*\t0\t0\tACTG\tFFFF\tRG:Z:test")
- name: Run test workflow
run: |
java -jar cromwell.jar run -Dconfig.file=cromwell.conf variantCalling/variantCalling.wdl -i test/test-inputs.json
- name: Check outputs
run: |
# Basic output existence checks
test -f $(find cromwell-executions -name "*.recal.bam")
test -f $(find cromwell-executions -name "*.GATK.vcf")
test -f $(find cromwell-executions -name "*_multianno.txt")