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Just van den Broecke edited this page Jul 20, 2017 · 2 revisions


Ideas collected from various presentations, and conversations. These should eventually make it into issues.

Custom Notifications I

FOSS4G-NL, June 28, 2017. Frank Steggink: Currently notifications just by emails. In addition could we e.g. have notifications to e.g. specific APIs? Example: notify to Slack Channel. In general: alternative notification destinations: Gitter, SMS, etc

Custom Notifications II

FOSS4G-EU, June 19, 2017: can instead of Notification, a "script" be called. For example a Shell script that restarts services, adds capacity (EC2 instance), basically anything. Could be a shell script in Bash or any script language.

Notify owner of Resource

FOSS4G-NL, June 28, 2017. Instead of globally configured email addresses notify owner/or configured email for Resource.

See issue #15.

Allow for Resources with Authorization

FOSS4G-NL, June 28, 2017. See issue #9. Need to be able to configure, mainly user/password for HTTP Basic Auth.


FOSS4G-EU, June 19, 2017: Alexander Kotschev. INSPIRE-compliant OWS Services (WMS, WFS etc) have specific QoS requirements. Can we apply/develop these type of tests? For example a WMS needs to respond within N msec, response within N secs, N parallel requests etc.

Adding Resources in Bulk

FOSS4G-NL, June 28, 2017. PDOK national Dutch GDI: can we bulk-add Resources, e.g. enter a list of 120 WMS-URLs i.s.o. one by one?

Image Response Testing

FOSS4G-EU, June 19, 2017: what is available to test image responses in more detail, e.g. a blank tile with single color?

Response Time Testing

FOSS4G-EU, June 19, 2017: what is available to test if responses complete within time T?

Flexible Scheduling, Scheduling per Resource/Probe

Now only via cronjobs, all is tested. Can we have e.g. some tests run once a day, others every 10 minutes? See issue #132.