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Christian Mayer edited this page Jul 16, 2014 · 1 revision
  1. Set correct version in Version.js and commit
  2. Create a tag
  • Via github interface or
  • via git commandline commands
  • Naming convention for the release tags is vmajor.minor.patch.label (e. g. v2.0.1.beta3)
  1. The description of the tag can be generated e.g. with
  2. Update API-docs on
  • Edit jsduck.json --> the version in the title should be updated
  • For the API-docs with ExtJS classes make sure you have a local copy of ExtJS
  • Build both (with and without ExtJS) docs with jsduck: Comment and uncomment the relevant parts in the jsduck.json
  • The content generated in the doc folders (docs and docs-w-ext) replaces the content of the respective folders in the gh-pages branch
  1. Edit index.html of gh-pages branch to reference the new version
  2. Update the src/ folder of the gh-pages-branch with the current src/ of the master branch (So that the examples will report the correct version in GeoExt.version)
  3. Write a blog post
  4. Email the dev and users lists and announce the release containing:
    • A link to the tag on github
    • A summary of the major features and bug fixes for the release
  5. Write a 50 word summary of the release and send to news_item at osgeo dot org (see
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