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The OCT-Core-Documentation written in Markdown, built with MkDocs


  • You need Python (2.7.2) and the Python Package Index (1.5.2) to build the documentation. Check if your operating-system provides it already:
python --version
pip --version
pip install mkdocs
  • Clone this repository to a local-repository and build the documentation with the following command:
mkdocs build

Attention: If some problems occur during the build-process, you can also try to re-build the documentation with the following command:

mkdocs build --clean
  • If you want to add new pages to this documenation, create a new .md-Files in folder: docs/ Hint: If you want to add sections, create a new folder, like this: docs/NewSection and create your new .md-files in this folder

  • Before building, don't forget to add your new page(s) and sections in the mkdocs.yml-file. Please find an example at the end of this page: NewSection and

- Home:
- Installations:
    - Nodejs: installations/
    - Bower: installations/
- About:
    - Repositories: about/
    - Contributers: about/
- NewSection:
    - newPage: newSection/
  • Build the documentation with the command above (see: 4.). All .md-files will be generated into .html-files in the folder site/. Hint: For automatically building, you can use the following command, to start the built-in-MkDocs-Server:
mkdocs serve

Open a new browser-tab and go to

For more information about MkDocs, please have a look into their documentation