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Important Settings

Alice edited this page May 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

This document describes all the important settings in once place. These are all set as environment variables:

dokku config:set imok KEY=value


These settings are specific to imok.

Key Default Description
TELEGRAM_TOKEN '' Bot token for the Telegram bot
REQUIRE_INVITE True Require members to be invited through the admin panel before they can use imok
NOTIFY_EMAIL '' The email address to send admin notifications to
MAIL_FROM root@localhost The email address that emails will come from
AIRBRAKE_PROJECT '' An Airbrake project ID for collecting errors
AIRBRAKE_PROJECT_KEY '' An Airbrake project key for collecting errors
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID '' Twilio account SID
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN '' Twilio auth token
TWILIO_FROM_NUMBER '' The phone number you have registered to use in Twilio
SUPPORTED_CHANNELS TELEGRAM,TWILIO A comma separated list of channels you want to support (currently only telegram and twilio)
PREFERRED_CHANNEL TELEGRAM The default channel to contact members through (can be overridden by member)
SERVER_NAME 'imok' Used in the admin screen and initial welcome message ('Welcome to SERVER_NAME')


Key Default Description
DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL '' Email address to register an SSL certificate with


These settings are generic Django settings that are important to know about

Key Default Description Documentation
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY '' used for sessions and password reset tokens
ALLOWED_HOSTS 'localhost' A list of hostnames that Django is allowed to serve
EMAIL_HOST 'localhost' The email server to use
EMAIL_PORT 25 Port to use for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST
EMAIL_HOST_USER '' An optional username for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD '' An optional password for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST
EMAIL_USE_TLS False Whether to use TLS for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST
EMAIL_USE_SSL False Whether to use SSL for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST
PHONENUMBER_DEFAULT_REGION GB A region supported by libphonenumber in order to accept telephone numbers in the local format
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