This application is part of the archaeoDox system and is called by the archaeoDox Fylr plugin. Its primary purpose is to connect a Fylr instance with Field databases; therefore it needs a FieldHub server instance to run.
For each newly created "Vorgang" object where the vocabulary concept in field "Vorgangskategorie" is a subconcept of a certain configured concept, a Field database is created. The name and password of the Field project are stored in the Fylr database.
Import files from a Fylr instance to a Field project.
- Image import
- CSV import
- Shapefile import
Dante vocabularies can be converted to Field valuelists and added to a Field project.
- Clone this repository
- Copy the file app/ to app/
scp app/ app/
- Fill in the values in app/
- Replace the network name in docker-compose.yml (networks -> hostnet -> name) with the name of the network used by Fylr
- Start the servicer with Docker:
docker compose up