- [USER] Azure Shoot cluster can now be configured with an user assigned managed identity which can be used to authenticate to other Azure service. In addition Azure Shoots can be configured to pull images from Azure Container Registries by using a passed managed identity. Adding or exchanging the identity will require a rolling update of all worker machines in the Shoot cluster. Please check the documentation https://github.com/gardener/gardener-extension-provider-azure/blob/master/docs/usage-as-end-user.md#infrastructureconfig (#31, @dkistner)
- [OPERATOR] Aligning MCM metrics scraper for MCM 0.26.1 version (#34, @hardikdr)
- [OPERATOR] UDP egress is now enabled for zoned Azure clusters via a temporary workaround. For this the Azure Provider extension installs an additional Service of Type
with a single UDP port into thekube-system
Namespace of the Shoot. (#32, @tim-ebert) - [OPERATOR] added integration tests for health checks for all extensions (originally contributed by @danielfoehrKn via gardener/gardener-extensions#563). (a6e7353)
Most notable changes
- [USER] Updated dependecies to refer k8s 1.16.0 (gardener/machine-controller-manager#401, @prashanth26)
- [OPERATOR] Prepend mcm to all work queue metrics (gardener/machine-controller-manager#405, @prashanth26)
- [OPERATOR] Subsystems and Namespaces to MCM metrics (gardener/machine-controller-manager#405, @prashanth26)
- [OPERATOR] Renamed mcm_machine_deployment_items_total & mcm_machine_set_items_total metrics (gardener/machine-controller-manager#405, @prashanth26)
- [OPERATOR] Promethus worker metrics have aligned with k8s version 1.16 (gardener/machine-controller-manager#401, @prashanth26)
- [OPERATOR] Healthz endpoint is immediately initialized with a healty (200) response (gardener/machine-controller-manager#375, @zuzzas)
- [USER] Azure machines can now be deployed with an attached user assigned managed identity. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#395, @dkistner)
- [USER] Allows specifying multiple networks for a VM via the new OpenstackMachineClassSpec "networks" field (gardener/machine-controller-manager#376, @zuzzas)
- [OPERATOR] Stops reconciling machine objects that no longer exists (gardener/machine-controller-manager#403, @ggaurav10)
- [OPERATOR] Bugfix: Fixes race between machine & machineSet creation/deletion operations (gardener/machine-controller-manager#391, @prashanth26)
- [OPERATOR] Added Cinder based root disk support with customisable disk size (gardener/machine-controller-manager#388, @afritzler)
- [OPERATOR] Allow status to be defined when replicas is not defined or equal to 0. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#387, @rewiko)
- category: improvement
- target_group: user
- [OPERATOR] Added support for OpenStack machine image id. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#374, @afritzler)
- [OPERATOR] Avoided force-deleting the machine if previous drain has failed. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#373, @hardikdr)
- [OPERATOR] Drain logic now attempts to evict the pod till drain-timeout has occurred. The interval between consecutive attempts to evict the pod has been increased to 20s. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#370, @hardikdr)
is updated tov32.6.0
. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#369, @ialidzhikov) - [OPERATOR] bootstrap token generation is handled at MCM (gardener/machine-controller-manager#351, @vlvasilev)
- [DEVELOPER] Fixed license header (gardener/machine-controller-manager#385, @afritzler)
Most notable changes
- [DEVELOPER] The Google provider plugins have been upgraded to
. (gardener/terraformer#33, @DockToFuture)
- [DEVELOPER] add random provider (gardener/terraformer#34, @MartinWeindel)
Docker Images
gardener-extension-provider-azure: eu.gcr.io/gardener-project/gardener/extensions/provider-azure:v1.3.0