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Releases: gardener/dependency-watchdog


16 Feb 12:36
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  • [DEVELOPER] Adding gosec for Static Application Security Testing (SAST). by @thiyyakat [#130]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The gardener/gardener image has been updated to v1.108.1. by @rishabh-11 [#128]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The gardener/machine-controller-manager image has been updated to v0.55.0. by @rishabh-11 [#128]

Docker Images

  • dependency-watchdog:


27 Nov 06:43
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✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] DWD prober no longer considers Unhealthy Nodes in scaling decisions for the dependent resources. by @rishabh-11 [#124]
  • [OPERATOR] DWD prober no longer considers Failed or Terminating Machines in scaling decisions for the dependent resources. by @rishabh-11 [#124]
  • [OPERATOR] DWD prober no longer performs scaling operations for clusters with only one candidate lease. by @rishabh-11 [#124]

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Docker Images

  • dependency-watchdog:


22 Apr 12:05
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Docker Images

  • dependency-watchdog:


20 Mar 11:24
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  • [OPERATOR] dependency-watchdog-prober now skips Leases in the kube-node-lease namespace in case the corresponding Node does not exist (anymore). by @rfranzke [#108]

Docker Images

  • dependency-watchdog:


22 Feb 07:54
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  • [OPERATOR] Make kcmNodeMonitorGraceDuration optional in the prober config and use a default value of 40s if not specified in the shoot and the config. by @rishabh-11 [#101]

Docker Images

  • dependency-watchdog:


06 Feb 11:41
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⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] DWD no longer depends on checking the reachability of Kube-API server via external load-balancer as kube-proxy path optimizations makes that impossible on infrastructures which have a static IP for the LB. Instead it now depends on node leases that are periodically renewed by each node running in the shoot cluster to determine its scaling action (scale-down/up). by @rishabh-11 [#94]
  • [OPERATOR] Change OCI Image Registry from GCR ( to Artifact-Registry ( Users should update their references.
    by @ccwienk [#93]

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  • [DEVELOPER] Use ginkgolinter instead of self baked gomegacheck by @himanshu-kun [#95]

Docker Images

  • dependency-watchdog:


11 Aug 13:37
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  • [OPERATOR] Bump g/g version to remove stale client-go dependency by @rishabh-11 [#92]


19 Jul 08:35
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  • [DEVELOPER] update client-go version and exclude the old one in go.mod by @acumino [#90]


24 May 08:30
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20 Jan 06:10
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This is a major version release and has breaking API changes.

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] Introduces backward incompatible changes to the API/Config. Consumers should adapt to the new changes. (gardener/dependency-watchdog#67, @unmarshall) Please refer the docs for details.
  • [OPERATOR] Command name for dependency-watchdog has been changed to weeder and probe has been changed to prober. Command line options have also changed. Please refer the docs for details.

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] In prober, support for multiple replicas for the dependent resources has been added. Previously this was hard coded to 1 making it difficult for dependency-watchdog to operate on resource which have a HA setup. Dependency-Watchdog will not interfere with HPA or any other entity which has been setup to scale out/in resources in a k8s cluster.
  • [OPERATOR] [Gardener]: It has been ensured that during hibernation (either when hibernating or waking up from hibernation) and during control-plane-migration, dependency-watchdog acts responsibly and prevents scale out/in operations which could interfere with these operations.
  • [DEVELOPER] This new version now uses controller-runtime. Usage of client-go is limited to:
    • Create a watch
    • Create a discovery client
    • Use scale sub-resource
      The above are currently not supported by the controller-runtime.
  • [USER] Previously prober only supported Deployment resources. This version onwards any k8s resource that has a scale sub-resource is supported.

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