A dataset from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR) Release 28 has been analyzed. The dataset included 2223 food items with 46 nutrient information. In the exploratory data anlaysis section, distributions of proximates, minerals, vitamins and other selected nutrients have been analyzed where highly right-skewed distributions are observed. To better understand the dataset, a principal component analysis has been performed. The scree plot suggests that the cutoff number of principal component is 7 where the cumulative variance explained is at 56.5%. The importance of nutrients are discussed in terms of their contributions to the principal components. Moreover, the nutrients have been grouped as having a common traits based on their impact on the principal components. Primary and secondary relationships among nutrients have been identified.
GitHub_Proj7.html: Project report in HTML with 3D interactive plots
GitHub_Proj7.pdf: Project report in PDF
GitHub_Proj7.R: R script