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This module provides implementations of some Zookeeper algorithms, including some standard recipes as described here.

This library uses node-zookeeper-client to interface with Zookeeper, and it uses RxJS 5 Reactive Extensions for Javascript to model the various algorithms.

API documentation


Install the module using npm:

$ npm install --save node-zookeeper-algorithms


All examples use ES6 syntax.

To use this module, import and create an instance of the ZookeeperAlgorithms class.

import ZookeeperAlgorithms from 'node-zookeeper-algorithms';

const algorithms = new ZookeeperAlgorithms('localhost:2181');

If a string is supplied to the ZookeeperAlgorithms constructor, that string will be used to construct a node-zookeeper-client instance. Alternatively, a factory function may be supplied to the constructor, which must return a node-zookeeper-client instance when called, i.e.:

import ZookeeperClient from 'node-zookeeper-client';
import ZookeeperAlgorithms from 'node-zookeeper-algorithms';

const algorithms = new ZookeeperAlgorithms(() => new ZookeeperClient('localhost:2181'));

The ZookeeperAlgorithms instance handles errors on the underlying client instance and automatically reconnects in the event of unrecoverable errors.

KGW -- add max disconnected interval and event that fires if this occurs?


Various algorithms are implemented by this module, all of which are implemented via rxjs Observables that emit values and/or complete at appropriate times. The default error handling behavior is to indefinitely retry on recoverable errors and reconnect/retry on nonrecoverable errors -- both with exponential backoff -- so observables should never terminate in an error state.

The following chart summarizes the algorithms, and more detailed examples of each follow.

Algorithm Method Emits Completes
Leader election observeLeaderElection { isLeader: true, leaderId } when caller is the leader, { isLeader: false, leaderId } otherwise Never
Exclusive lock observeExclusiveLock true when lock is held, false when lock is not held Never
One-for-all state update observeOneForAllStateUpdate null when caller should update the state When the state has been updated by some participant (not necessarily by caller)

Leader election

A leader election is modeled by an Observable returned from the observeLeaderElection method, which emits a value whenever the leader changes. This value indicates the uuid of the leader and also whether the caller is the leader or not:

// join the election
const election = algorithms.observeLeaderElection('/path/to/leader/node').subscribe(
  ({ isLeader, leaderId }) => {
    if (isLeader) {
      // the caller is the leader
    } else {
      // the caller is not the leader

// leave the election

Exclusive lock

An exclusive lock is modeled by an Observable returned from the observeExclusiveLock method, which emits true or false when the caller does and does not have the lock, respectively. Note that even once a lock is acquired, it may be lost if the connection to the Zookeeper server is lost. Example:

const lock = algorithms.observeExclusiveLock('/path/to/lock').subscribe(
  (hasLock) => {
    // if hasLock is true, the caller has the lock; otherwise, the caller does not have the lock
    if (hasLock) {
      // caller has lock, unsubscribing releases the lock
    } else {
      // caller does not have lock ...

The exclusiveLock helper method makes this a bit simpler:

// acquires lock
const unlock = await algorithms.exclusiveLock('/path/to/lock');

// releases lock

A lock can be optionally be acquired on a particular key to allow multiple locks at the same path (if no key is supplied, the key 'default' is used):

// acquires lock
const unlock = await algorithms.exclusiveLock({ path: '/path/to/lock', key: '123');

// releases lock

A lock acquired is this way can also supply a callback to be invoked if the lock is lost due to disconnection:

// acquires lock
const unlock = await algorithms.exclusiveLock({
  path: '/path/to/lock',
  key: '123',
  onLost: () => {
    // called if lock is lost ...

// releases lock

One-for-all state update

The all-for-one state update algorithm is intended to be used when multiple callers all want a state update to occur but it is desired that only one of them perform the update, for the benefit of all. This might be used, for example, to lazily populate a cache. This process is modeled by an observable that:

  • Emits a value (null) if/when the caller should perform the state update and
  • Completes when the state update has been performed (not necessarily by the caller)
await algorithms.observeOneForAllStateUpdate({
  path: '/path/to/state/node',

  () => {



This module requires async/await support, so if that is not available natively it must be polyfilled, i.e. via babel-polyfill.



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