This is the second iteration of the zkWF (Zero Knowledge Workflow) project. The goal of this project is to create a workflow engine like system that can orchestrate business processes in a confidential and secure manner on a public blockchain.
The project is divided into the following components:
- cmds: Contains the command line interface for the project
- zkWF: The main command line interface for the project
- pkg: Contains the core logic of the project
- common: Contains common utility functions
- circuits: Contains the zkSNARK circuits for the project
- expressions: This handles the boolean expressions in the workflows
- gmimc: This is where the GMiMC encryption circuit is defined
- hkdf: This is where the HKDF is implemented
- lifecycle: The lifecycle state machine circuit
- utils: Contains utility functions for the circuits
- statechechker: The main zkSNARK circuit for the project
- contracts: contains the smart contract interactions for the project
- crypto: Contains the cryptographic functions for the project that are not part of the zkSNARK circuits, e.g. to generate inputs, keys
- model: Handles the parsing of the BPMN models
- powersoftau: Contains the powers of tau loading functions. This is used as the trusted setup for the zkSNARK circuits
- web3: Contains the web3 interactions for the project
- zkp: Contains the zero knowledge proof functions for the project
- solidity: Contains the solidity contracts for the project
- models: Contains the BPMN models and their corresponding JSON test cases
- editor: Contains the BPMN editor for the project that has the capabilities to use the extended attributes and payment tasks
- Go
- Node.js
- Solc
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Compile the zkWF command line interface
go build -o bin/zkWF ./cmds/zkWF
- Install the npm packages
cd editor && npm install
- Start the editor
npm start
The zkWF command line interface can be used to interact with the project. The following commands are available:
zkWF is a zero-knowledge workflow system
zkwf [command]
Available Commands:
compile Compile a BPMN file into a zero-knowledge circuit
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
deploy-ecdh Deploy the ECDH contract with predefined public keys
fill-inputs Fill inputs for the zkWF circuit
generate-key Generate a new eddsa key pair
help Help about any command
prove Prove a statement using a given circuit and witness
setup Setup a zero-knowledge circuit
sign Sign a given input
witness Generate a witness for a given input
-h, --help help for zkwf
- Generate a new key pair
./bin/zkWF generate-key
This will generate a new key pair and save it to the keys.json
file. You will need to put the public key into the model using the BPMN editor. The public key shall be provided as follows: X,Y
where X
is the x-coordinate of the point on the curve and Y
is the y-coordinate of the point on the curve.
- Compile the BPMN model into a zero-knowledge circuit
./bin/zkWF compile models/t1_zkp.bpmn
- Setup the zero-knowledge circuit
./bin/zkWF setup circuit.r1cs
- Fill the inputs for the zero-knowledge circuit
First, prepare the inputs manually in the inputs.json
file. Then, fill the inputs for the zero-knowledge circuit
./bin/zkWF fill-inputs inputs.json keys.json
This will fill out the hash, randomnness, public key, and signature inputs for the circuit.
- Generate a witness for the given input
./bin/zkWF witness models/t1_zkp.bpmn inputs.json keys.json
- Prove the statement using the given circuit and witness
./bin/zkWF prove circuit.r1cs pk.bin full.wtns