magpylib - A simple and user friendly magnetic toolbox for Python 3
- Python package for calculating magnetic fields of magnets, currents and moments (sources).
- It provides convenient methods to generate, geometrically manipulate, group and vizualize assemblies of sources.
- The magnetic fields are determined from underlying (semi-analytical) solutions which results in fast computation times (sub-millisecond) and requires little computation power.
Python3.6+, Numpy, Matplotlib
Please check out our documentation for getting started and more info!
Installing this project using pip:
- run the following in your Python environment terminal:
pip install magpylib
Installing this project locally:
- Clone this repository to your machine.
- In the directory, run
pip install .
in your conda terminal.
- Two permanent magnets with axial magnetization are created and geometrically manipulated. They are grouped in a single collection and the system geometry is displayed using a supplied method.
- The total magnetic field that is generated by the collection is calculated on a grid in the xz-plane and is displayed using matplotlib.
# imports
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import magpylib as magpy
# create magnets
magnet1 = magpy.source.magnet.Box(mag=[0,0,600],dim=[3,3,3],pos=[-4,0,3])
magnet2 = magpy.source.magnet.Cylinder(mag=[0,0,500], dim=[3,5], pos=[0,0,0])
# manipulate magnets
# collect magnets
pmc = magpy.Collection(magnet1,magnet2)
# display system geometry
# calculate B-fields on a grid
xs = np.linspace(-10,10,20)
zs = np.linspace(-10,10,20)
Bs = np.array([[pmc.getB([x,0,z]) for x in xs] for z in zs])
# display fields using matplotlib
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
X,Y = np.meshgrid(xs,zs)
U,V = Bs[:,:,0], Bs[:,:,2]
ax.streamplot(X, Y, U, V, color=np.log(U**2+V**2), density=1.5)