⚠️ DISCLAIMER: This project is in beta phase.
I need to configure and install software on my Fedora Workstation 40 installation.
This script collection is exactly what I'm looking for in terms of configuring GNOME.
This scripts install the apps below:
- Docker
- Fish Shell
- bat
- duf
- eza
- fastfetch
- fd-find
- fzf
- ugrep
- GUPS (Greencell UPS)
- IntelliJIdea Ultimate
- Kitty
- Mise
- Postman
- Pycharm
- Rustup
- Starship
- Spotify
- Virtualbox
- Visual Studio Code
- Nerdfonts (Roboto, JetbrainsMono, Firacode)
And others.
Some screenshots.