This React Natie Library uses the AppsFlyer 4.6.0 library for both iOS and Android
$ npm install react-native-apps-flyer --save
- In XCode, in the project navigator, right click
➜Add Files to [your project's name]
- Go to
and addRNAppsFlyer.xcodeproj
- In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add
to your project'sBuild Phases
➜Link Binary With Libraries
- Install the appsFlyerFramework pod file from their website. Uncomment
in the Podfile. - Run your project (
- import
import com.ppsreejith.RNAppsFlyerPackage;
- In the
method register the modulenew RNAppsFlyerPackage(MainApplication.this)
- Add the project to your dependencies
dependencies {
compile project(':react-native-apps-flyer')
- Add the project
include ':react-native-apps-flyer'
project(':react-native-apps-flyer').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-apps-flyer/android')
import af from 'react-native-apps-flyer';
af.init(appId, devKey, function(err) {
// To get appsFlyerUID,
af.getAppsFlyerUID(function(err, uid) {
//To trigger an event
af.trackEvent(eventName, {key1: value1, key2: value2}, function(err, events) {
// events is {key1: value1, key2, value2}
import af from 'react-native-apps-flyer';
// To track location with lat and long * note lat and long should be floats only,
af.trackLocation(last, long, function(err, data) {
// iOS
af.sendTrackingWithEvent(eventName, {key1: value1, key2: value2}, function(err, events) {
// events is {key1: value1, key2, value2}
// Android