Evaluation release for custom state icons
- Merge pull request #7 from freepn/icons-and-ui.
Icons and ui testing, package up for evaluation - Freepn-gtk3-indicator: fix copyright string in AboutDialog.
- Put the working icons under hicolor/status, keep fallback names.
- Install both sets of light/dark icons, swap config/waiting states.
- Add one more weird test icon and remove crufty ones.
- Add .gitattributes for default set of text/graphics/project files.
- Icons: save some test icons for inspection.
- Freepn-gtk3-indicator: set icon to NONE state on daemon shutdown.
- Add preferred email address to credits.
- Add About dialog fallback for runtimedir, make setup.py use app_version.
- Set default value for new-state (behind the if, over there)
- Merge pull request #6 from freepn/icon_designs.
New icon designs (acquiring, connected, error, no-route, offline) - Updated the original folders and deleted unecessary files (Old designs) [Marianne Cruzat]
- New designs. [Marianne Cruzat]
- New icon designs (acquiring, connected, error, no-route, offline) [Marianne Cruzat]
- Enable label display, set label guide, add renamed test icons.
- note the label display is still not fixed-width as the docs say it should be
- Replace high-contrast with light bg and revert to simple icon names.
- Add high contrast/symbolic icon, reorganize icon dirs, update setup.py.
- also replace previous hicolor .svg with correct size (use the one from @mariannecruzat)
- README.rst: minor updates (tray icon state and dependency description)