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Releases: fraxiinus/ReplayBook

Release 1.7.3

26 Jan 04:44
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January Monthly Release

I apologize for the long wait! I've been working on integrating an executable backup solution and it is requiring a lot of UI work. Hopefully I will have it done by the first half of the year.

🐉 Happy New Year! 🐉

Installation Instructions

Install New: Simply extract the zip file and run ReplayBook.exe. A guided setup sequence will help you get started.
Update from Release 1.7.3: Replace the previous ReplayBook.exe with the new version.

Note: It is recommended to clear your replay cache after updating.


Patch Notes

[New] Turkish translation added, thanks to "electrogu"
[Fix] Fix exporter crash if the replay has players with missing name values
[Fix] Replays launched with ReplayBook should now respect your game settings, if available.
[Enhancement] Updated roflxd.cs to 2.3.0, which includes new stats for Rift Herald, Void Grubs, and more!
[Enhancement] Updated various NuGet packages

Release 1.7.2

31 Jul 03:50
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July Monthly Release

Installation Instructions

Install New: Simply extract the zip file and run ReplayBook.exe. A guided setup sequence will help you get started.
Update from Release 1.7.1: Replace the previous ReplayBook.exe with the new version.

Patch Notes

[Fix] Fix issue where static data could not be downloaded on certain Windows locales
[Fix] Fix crash if attempting to delete static data which does not exit
[Fix] Update Vietnam language code because Riot changed it
[Enhancement] Chinese and French language translations have been updated

Release 1.7.1

30 Apr 23:15
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April Monthly Release 2

Installation Instructions

Install New: Simply extract the zip file and run ReplayBook.exe. A guided setup sequence will help you get started.
Update from Release 1.7.0: Replace the previous ReplayBook.exe with the new version.

Patch Notes

[Fix] Fix crash during welcome setup caused by executable settings not initialized properly #266 #267
[Fix] Fix executable presets not including apply static data setting

Release 1.7.0

30 Apr 03:40
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April Monthly Release

Finally a release! It's been a while but I was working on it the whole time, it just took some time getting some of these features implemented. Check out this screenshot showing off the new search feature as well as some nice enhancements!


Installation Instructions

Install New: Simply extract the zip file and run ReplayBook.exe. A guided setup sequence will help you get started.
Update from Release 1.6.3: Replace the previous ReplayBook.exe with the new version. You may have to clear replay cache before search will work.

Patch Notes

[New] A new search system has been implemented!
     - Now allows multiple keywords in a query #145
     - Read more about this new feature here
[Fix] Fix crashes when downloading static data during welcome setup
[Fix] Fix static data downloading the wrong patch version #241
[Fix] Fix crash if attempting to download static data for replay newer than last known patch
[Fix] Data Exporter Wizard no longer crashes when using search function
[Fix] Fix GameDuration value not being displayed in detailed view
[Enhancement] Replaced old ROFL parser with roflxd.cs
     - This is just replacing a ton of old bad code with new hopefully less bad code
[Enhancement] Added titles to list boxes in the Settings window
[Enhancement] Added help dialog if disabled play button is pressed
[Enhancement] Clear replay cache button can now restart application
[Enhancement] Data Exporter can now utilize static data to replace champion names, rune names, and item names
[Enhancement] Static data can now be downloaded in any available language

Release 1.6.3

02 Dec 01:32
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November Monthly Release

Installation Instructions

Install New: Simply extract the zip file and run ReplayBook.exe. A guided setup sequence will help you get started.
Update from Release 1.6.2: Replace the previous ReplayBook.exe with the new version.

Patch Notes

[New] The welcome setup will now automatically add any running League of Legends instances as executables (Thanks Querijn)
[Fix] Fix typo in replay folder not found error (Thanks mikyll)
[Enhancement] Minor updates to README and documentation

Release 1.6.2

03 Nov 23:00
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October Monthly Release

Installation Instructions

Install New: Simply extract the zip file and run ReplayBook.exe. A guided setup sequence will help you get started.
Update from Release 1.6.1: Replace the previous ReplayBook.exe with the new version.

Patch Notes

[Fix] No longer crashes during static data step in first time setup
[Fix] Static data manager now defaults to second most recent patch to prevent issues when CommunityDragon has yet to be updated

Release 1.6.1

30 Sep 20:22
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September Monthly Release

Installation Instructions

Install New: Simply extract the zip file and run ReplayBook.exe. A guided setup sequence will help you get started.
Update from Release X: Replace the previous ReplayBook.exe with the new version.

Patch Notes

[Fix] Various fixes to Static Data
     - Bundle downloaded from right-click menu properly saves (Reported from xadamxk)
     - Fix crash if language does not exist for a specific version
     - Fix crash if attempting to download a patch that does not exist
[Fix] Single window mode now properly shows replay read error
[Fix] Chinese translations updated by RichardNewb1e, thanks!

Known Issues

  • Setup process will crash when downloading static data. Work around this by closing the setup to get straight to ReplayBook.

Release 1.6.0

01 Aug 01:37
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July Monthly Release

Installation Instructions

Install New: Simply extract the zip file and run ReplayBook.exe. A guided setup sequence will help you get started.
Update from Release 1.5.2: Replace the previous ReplayBook.exe with the new version.

Patch Notes

[New] All new Static Data Manager!
     - Download bundles for specific patches; bundles include images, names, and descriptions
     - ReplayBook will choose the closest matching bundle when displaying replays
     - Right click a replay to download the bundle for that replay's patch
[Fix] Crash when data folder is deleted
[Enhancement] Various minor code changes

Known Issues

#198 - Trying to open a corrupted replay through file explorer does not show an error message
#201 - Trying to download a bundle for an patch before 7.22 will cause a crash
#202 - Trying to download a bundle that does not exist in the user's language will cause a crash

Release 1.5.2

01 Apr 23:27
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March Monthly Release

Installation Instructions

Install New: Simply extract the zip file and run ReplayBook.exe. A guided setup sequence will help you get started.
Update from Release 1.5.1: Replace the previous ReplayBook.exe with the new version.

Patch Notes

[New] Traditional Chinese translation by "N/A"
[Enhancement] Namespace changes made to solution projects
[Enhancement] Language selection drop-downs are now sorted alphabetically
[Enhancement] Translation wiki page table and status is now automatically updated by GitHub Actions
[Enhancement] Misc. changes made to GitHub Actions

Release 1.5.1

03 Mar 00:42
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February Monthly Release

Installation Instructions

Install New: Simply extract the zip file and run ReplayBook.exe. A guided setup sequence will help you get started.
Update from Release 1.5.0: Replace the previous ReplayBook.exe with the new version.

Patch Notes

[New] The exporter will now automatically select/load the last used preset.
[Fix] "Deselect All" option now works in exporter attributes list
[Fix] Window no longer teleports to saved position when loading
[Fix] German translation updated by @xXLAOKOONXx
[Enhancement] Namespace for all projects updated to be more relevant.

! Notice !

There have been reports of 1.5.1 not starting. If you are experiencing trouble with 1.5.1, update your .NET version to 6.0.3 if possible. Otherwise, continue to use version 1.5.0.