Various Docker build scripts for different projects and related stuff.
The easiest way is to use the 'get-docker' script from:
curl -fsSL -o
The lifecycle of a Docker image/container: pull -> run -> stop -> remove -> delete
Good to know:
- A stopped container keeps its state and can be started again (internal programs are closed though).
- To fully reset a container it needs to be stopped and removed.
- The state of a running or stopped container can be made permanent via a commit.
- Commits create additional layers that can increase the container size significantly.
- Commits will ignore external data from volumes
- If you create a volume using an empty folder (host) and connect it to a container folder that is not empty (-v flag) it will be filled with the container data at first run. This ONLY works for named volumes.
Some variables used in cheat sheet:
: The tag or "name" of an image, e.g.myrepo/myimage:latest
: If you run an image you give it a name (with the --name flag), e.g.my_container
. If you don't define a name Docker will create a random one.
- get image:
sudo docker pull [image-tag]
- show images:
sudo docker images
- show active (running or stopped) containers:
sudo docker container ls
- remove stopped container:
sudo docker rm [container-name]
- remove all stopped containers:
sudo docker images prune
- delete image:
sudo docker rmi [image-tag]
- get config info about image:
sudo docker inspect [image-tag]
- build Dockerfile:
sudo docker build -t [new-image-tag] .
- build Dockerfile without cache:
sudo docker build --no-cache -t [new-image-tag] .
- commit changes:
sudo docker commit [container-name] [new-image-tag]
- rename image:
sudo docker image tag [old-image-tag] [new-image-tag]
- run with bash:
sudo docker run -it --name [container-name] -p [port-outside]:[port-inside] [image-tag]
- run with bash (overwrite entrypoint):
sudo docker run -it --name [container-name] --entrypoint=/bin/bash [image-tag]
- run with volume and auto-remove:
sudo docker run --rm -it -v [volume-name/folder-outside]:[folder-inside] [image-tag]
- run with ENV variable (e.g for internal settings):
sudo docker run --env VAR1=value1 [image-tag]
- run container in background:
sudo docker run --rm -d [image-tag]
- enter running container via bash:
sudo docker exec -it [container-name] /bin/bash
- stop background container:
sudo docker stop [container-name]
- restart a stopped container:
sudo docker start [container-name]
- list all volumes:
sudo docker volume ls
- create a volume:
sudo docker volume create --opt type=none --opt device=[host-folder] --opt o=bind [volume-name]
- remove a volume:
sudo docker volume rm [volume-name]
- login to default registry (e.g. Docker-HUB):
sudo docker login --username=[my-user]
- push image:
sudo docker image push [image-tag]
- logout of registry:
sudo docker logout
- create:
sudo docker manifest create [common-image-tag] --amend [image-tag-A] --amend [image-tag-B] ...
- upload:
sudo docker manifest push [common-image-tag]