Computational Geometry and Rendering library for JavaScript
version: 0.9.0 (82 kB minified)
Bounding Boxes
Convex Hulls
const {Plane, Ellipse, Circle, Arc, QBezier, CBezier, Line, Point} = Geometrize;
const plane = Plane(document.getElementById('container'), 0, 0, 300, 300);
const ellipse = Ellipse([40,40], 30, 10, -45);
const circle = Circle([30,30], 20);
const arc = Arc([100,100], [170,90], 30, 10, 30, 0, 1);
const qbezier = QBezier([[80,110], [120,40], [160,120]]);
const cbezier = CBezier([[40,80], [120,40], [140,200], [160,90]]);
const line1 = Line([20,20], [60,60]).setStyle('stroke', 'blue');
const line2 = Line([50,2], [20,70]).setStyle('stroke', 'green');
const line3 = Line([60,160], [300,0]).setStyle('stroke', 'orange');
const line4 = Line([60,120], [300,-40]).setStyle('stroke', 'cyan');
let intersections = [];
intersections = plane.getIntersections();
intersections.forEach(p => {
plane.add(p.setStyle('stroke', 'red').setStyle('stroke-width', 2));
Parse SVG to Geometrize Shapes
<h4>Original SVG</h4>
<div id="svg"><svg width="100px" height="100px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" data-name="Layer 1" id="Layer_1" xmlns=""><defs><style>.cls-1,.cls-2,.cls-3{fill:none;}.cls-1,.cls-2{stroke:#231f20;stroke-linejoin:round;}.cls-1{stroke-linecap:round;}.cls-3{stroke:#000;stroke-miterlimit:10;}</style></defs><path class="cls-1" d="M26.54,16A13.2,13.2,0,0,1,21.71,26.5l-1.19-.95.41,1.51a9.09,9.09,0,0,1-9.85,0l.41-1.48-1.17.93A13.2,13.2,0,0,1,5.53,16,13.14,13.14,0,0,1,10.62,5.27l.88,1.21V4.71A9.17,9.17,0,0,1,16,3.49,9.06,9.06,0,0,1,20.5,4.67V6.48l.9-1.24A13.11,13.11,0,0,1,26.54,16Z"/><path class="cls-1" d="M11.5,4.5v2l-.88-1.2"/><line class="cls-1" x1="20.5" x2="20.5" y1="6.5" y2="4.5"/><ellipse class="cls-2" cx="11.5" cy="12.5" rx="3" ry="2"/><ellipse class="cls-2" cx="20.5" cy="12.5" rx="3" ry="2"/><polyline class="cls-2" points="15.48 16.17 14.49 19.5 17.49 19.5 16.51 16.19"/><path class="cls-3" d="M16,25.4h0c-2.49,0-4.5-1.61-4.5-3.6V21c0-.07.07-.13.17-.13L12,21a12.59,12.59,0,0,0,8.33-.11h0c.1,0,.,23.79,18.49,25.4,16,25.4Z"/></svg></div>
<h4>Parsed SVG</h4>
<div id="container"></div>
<script src="../build/Geometrize.js"></script>
<script src="../build/parseSVG.js"></script>
const G = Geometrize;
const plane = G.Plane(document.getElementById('container'), 0, 0, 32, 32);
// parses both string and HTML node
parseSVG(document.getElementById('svg').innerHTML).map(function map(obj) {
switch (obj.type)
case 'SVG':
plane.x0 = obj.viewBox[0];
plane.y0 = obj.viewBox[1];
plane.x1 = obj.viewBox[2];
plane.y1 = obj.viewBox[3]; {
if (obj) plane.add(obj);
case 'Line':
case 'Polyline':
case 'Polygon':
return G[obj.type](obj.points).setStyle(;
case 'Circle':
return G.Circle(, obj.params.radius).setStyle(;
case 'Ellipse':
return G.Ellipse(, obj.params.radiusX, obj.params.radiusY, obj.params.angle).setStyle(;
case 'Arc':
return G.Arc(obj.params.start, obj.params.end, obj.params.radiusX, obj.params.radiusY, obj.params.angle, obj.params.largeArc, obj.params.sweep).setStyle(;
case 'Quadratic':
return G.QBezier(obj.points).setStyle(;
case 'Cubic':
return G.CBezier(obj.points).setStyle(;
case 'Path':
return G.CompositeCurve(;
Shape Tweens
const {Plane, Tween, Polygon, Circle, Ellipse, Arc} = Geometrize;
const r = 50, rx = 50, ry = 20, cx = 100, cy = 100, angle = -30;
const plane = Plane(document.getElementById('container'), 0, 0, 300, 300);
const ellipse = Ellipse([cx, cy], rx, ry, angle);
const arc = Arc(ellipse.getPointAt(0), ellipse.getPointAt(0.6), rx, ry, angle, 0, 0);
const circle = Circle([cx,cy], r);
const square = Polygon([
const tween = Tween({
keyframes: {
"0%": {
shape: arc,
style: {
stroke: 'cyan'
easing: 'ease-out'
"25%": {
shape: ellipse,
style: {
stroke: 'orange'
easing: 'ease-out'
"50%": {
shape: circle,
style: {
stroke: 'cyan'
easing: 'ease-out'
"75%": {
shape: square,
transform: {
rotate: {
origin: {
x: square.getCenter().x,
y: square.getCenter().y
angle: 0
style: {
stroke: 'orange'
easing: 'ease-out-back'
"100%": {
shape: square,
transform: {
rotate: {
origin: {
x: square.getCenter().x,
y: square.getCenter().y
angle: -45
style: {
stroke: 'blue'
duration: 4000,
delay: 400