This App is a demonstration of the ease with which UIs can be recreated using Flutter from a given design template.
- Update the "pubspec.yaml" file to include the following packages
font_awesome_flutter: ^8.8.1
dotted_border: ^1.0.5
clip_shadow: ^0.2.1
under the following section of the "pubspec.yaml" file
sdk: flutter
and run pub get.
Note: The "font_awesome_flutter" package is used for custom icons, where applicable. The "dotted_border" package is used to provide a dotted border to the Container Widget, where applicable. The "clip_shadow" package is used to provide a shadow to the clip paths, where applicable. All these packages can be found on the Pub website. The package versions will need to be updated in the "pubspec.yaml" file from time to time.
- Add the following folder to the Assets section in the "pubspec.yaml" file:
- images/
- fonts/
- family: BrandonGrotesque-Black
- asset: assets/fonts/BrandonGrotesque-Black.ttf
- family: ProximaNova-Regular
- asset: assets/fonts/ProximaNova-Regular.ttf
- family: ProximaNova-Light
- asset: assets/fonts/ProximaNova-Light.ttf
- family: ProximaNova-Semibold
- asset: assets/fonts/ProximaNova-Semibold.ttf
- family: MyriadPro-Bold
- asset: assets/fonts/MyriadPro-Bold.ttf
- family: MyriadPro-Regular
- asset: assets/fonts/MyriadPro-Regular.ttf
- family: HelveticaNeue-Medium
- asset: assets/fonts/HelveticaNeue-Medium.ttf
- family: MuseoSans-100
- asset: assets/fonts/MuseoSans-100.ttf
- family: MuseoSans-300
- asset: assets/fonts/MuseoSans-300.ttf
- family: Futura-Heavy
- asset: assets/fonts/Futura-Heavy.ttf
- family: Futura-Light
- asset: assets/fonts/Futura-Light.ttf
- family: LatoRegular
- asset: assets/fonts/LatoRegular.ttf
- family: LatoBlack
- asset: assets/fonts/LatoBlack.ttf
- family: LatoBold
- asset: assets/fonts/LatoBold.ttf
- family: LatoLightItalic
- asset: assets/fonts/LatoLightItalic.ttf
- family: DINPro-Bold
- asset: assets/fonts/DINPro-Bold.ttf
- family: DINPro-BoldItalic
- asset: assets/fonts/DINPro-BoldItalic.ttf
- family: DINPro-Italic
- asset: assets/fonts/DINPro-Italic.ttf
- family: DINPro-Light
- asset: assets/fonts/DINPro-Light.ttf
- In the "AndroidManifest.xml" file, update the name of the app under the following section
android:label="Design Challenge">
- Update the SDK constraints under the Project Structure settings for the App
Since the purpose of this project was only to demonstrate UI implementation in Flutter using Dart code, the code has not been optimized in any way. The code is also negligible as far as implementing functionality is concerned. The Layout widgets prevalent throughout the app are the Row, Column and Stack widgets. Where applicable, the ClipPath widget has been used. To make the paths as per the design templates, the code was first written in SVG using the editor found here. The co-ordinates were then ported to Dart code. The SVG code has been provided as comments where applicable. In general, separate widgets have been used for the Header, Content and Footer. In cases where the background has a gradient, a Container Widget has been used. Most of the code, i hope, is self-explanatory.
This folder contains images and fonts used for the root widget and the main menu of the app. The images were extracted from the design templates. The fonts were determined from the design templates and sourced from a search engine. I am not sure how to provide attribution for the fonts, designs and the images. I have provided the images so that the app can be run. I have not provided the fonts. Please use a search engine to find the fonts. All the designs were sourced from Dribbble. Please "like" or "thums up" or "favourite" the designers by following the links in the "References" section of this Readme. The images can be found here. Once the fonts have been downloaded, they will have to be renamed as shown in the list of fonts. The list of Fonts are as follows:
1) A lot of scope of improvement in the way the widgets are laid out. LayoutBuilder and RichText Widgets can be used where needed.
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