Transfer items from google keep lists to todoist.
My use case is having an intuitive google assistant integration for todoist:
- Sync your google notes and lists with google keep (setting in google assistant)
- Let this tool move items from google keep lists to todoist lists.
It is not a real sync but just a one way keep->todoist.
- Moved items will be deleted from keep's list
- Labels on google keep lists will be attached to their corresponding todo tasks
Create a config.yaml
from config.example.yaml
update_interval_s: 60
google_username: yourUsername
google_password: canBeAnAppPassword
todoist_api_token: todoistApiKey
healthcheck: # optional: configure some kind of healtcheck endpoint providing service monitoring, e.g.
period_min: 30
untitled_notes: # optional: move all untitled notes to todoist inbox
add_label: 'Sync' # required: add label to todoist note
due_str_en: 'today' # optional: you can set a due date in english here
keep_lists: # list your keep lists on this level
- Todo:
sync_labels: false # required: transfer labels from gkeep lists to todoist items
due_str_en: 'today' # optional: you can set a due date in english here
# if todoist_project is not set your task will go into the todoist inbox
- Shared:
sync_labels: true
assignee_email: 'name@domain.tld' # optional: the email of the person to be assigned, requires todoist_project to be a shared project.
todoist_project: 'Chores' # not optional in this case, should be a shared project
- Shopping:
sync_labels: false
todoist_project: 'Shopping' # optional: you can choose a project for todoist here
- Test:
sync_labels: false
- It is recommended that you don't use your google main credentials. Instead go to and generate an app password specifically for this tool. That way you still can enable 2FA for your google account.
- Your todoist token can be found in todoist settings->integrations.
- Changes in
will be detected automatically and the updated config will be reflected if the yaml is valid. - optionally, for setting up a healthcheck to ensure that your service is running you can use a service like
If configured it will provide you with an url and the app will ping this url every period_min
minutes. On the healtcheck's service side you configure a matching period & grace time. You can then get notified if a ping is missed, e.g. via mail.
You can use docker/docker-compose to start the service:
docker-compose up -d
This has the advantage that the service will be restarted automatically on reboot or error.
Latest docker image is also available at
docker run -v ./config.yaml:/app/config.yaml --restart always
Tested this only with python >= 3.9
cd app
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Tool to improve the alexa integration for todoist:
This tool relies heavily on and would not be possible without: