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Quick Start

Run "kanzi -h" so see the help general page and "kanzi -c -h" or "kanzi -d -h" to see the help page for compression and decompression respectively.

The easiest way to compress is to use one of the existing pre-defined levels (0 to 9) using "-l".

The input file or directory must be provided with "-i".

The output file or directory can be provided with "-o".

Use "-b" to specify a block size (if omitted the default block size is selected).

The compression or decompression can be done concurrently by providing the number of jobs using "-j".

Instead of a specific compression level, one can specify the transforms and entropy to use by using "-t" and "-e".

See the help pages for the list of transforms and entropy codecs available.

The order of the parameters on the command line does not matter.


kanzi -c -i foo.txt -o none -b 4m -l 4 -v 3

Do a dry-run compression of foo.txt using block of 4 MB and the level 4 with a verbosity set to 3.

kanzi -c -i foo.txt -f -t BWT+MTFT+ZRLT -b 4m -e FPAQ -j 4

Compress foo.txt to foo.txt.knz and overwrite the output file if it already exists. Use the Burrows-Wheeler, Move-to-front and Zero Run Length transforms followed by the FPAQ entropy codec. Use 4 jobs to compress the file.

kanzi -d -i foo.knz -f -j 2

Decompress the file foo.knz to foo.knz.bak and force an overwrite. Use 2 jobs to decompress the file.

Package hierarchy


  • app -> [io, transform]
  • benchmark -> [entropy, transform, bitstream, util/hash]
  • bitstream -> [ ]
  • entropy -> [ ]
  • io -> [entropy, transform, bitstream, util/hash]
  • test -> [entropy, transform, bitstream, util]
  • transform -> [entropy, bitstream]
  • util -> [ ]


  • kanzi: definitions of common classes and interfaces
  • api: C API
  • app: contains the main applications (block compressor and decompressor)
  • bitstream: utilities to manipulate a stream of data at the bit level
  • entropy: implementation of several common entropy codecs
  • io: implementation of std::istream and std::ostream with block codec (de)compression
  • test: contains many classes to test the utility classes
  • transform: implementation of common data transforms
  • util: implementation of the xxHash32 and other utility functions

Block compressor


Kanzi 2.3.0 (c) Frederic Langlet

Credits: Matt Mahoney, Yann Collet, Jan Ondrus, Yuta Mori, Ilya Muravyov,
         Neal Burns, Fabian Giesen, Jarek Duda, Ilya Grebnov

   -h, --help
        Display this message

   -c, --compress
        Compress mode

   -d, --decompress
        Decompress mode

   -i, --input=<inputName>
        Mandatory name of the input file or directory or 'stdin'
        When the source is a directory, all files in it will be processed.
        Provide /. at the end of the directory name to avoid recursion
        (EG: myDir/. => no recursion)

   -o, --output=<outputName>
        Optional name of the output file or 'none' or 'stdout'.

   -j, --jobs=<jobs>
        Maximum number of jobs the program may start concurrently
        If 0 is provided, use all available cores (maximum is 64).
        (default is half of available cores).

   -v, --verbose=<level>
        0=silent, 1=default, 2=display details, 3=display configuration,
        4=display block size and timings, 5=display extra information
        Verbosity is reduced to 1 when files are processed concurrently
        Verbosity is reduced to 0 when the output is 'stdout'

   -f, --force
        Overwrite the output file if it already exists

        Remove the input file after successful (de)compression.
        If the input is a folder, all processed files under the folder are removed.

        Skip links

        Skip dot files

Type kanzi -c -h or kanzi -d -h to get help specific to compression or decompression.

Available transforms

  • BWT: Burrows Wheeler Transform ( is a transform that reorders symbols in a (reversible) way that is more amenable to entropy coding. This implementation uses a linear time foward transform and parallel inverse tranform.
  • BWTS: Burrows Wheeler Transform by Scott is a bijective variant of the BWT (slower).
  • LZX: Lempel Ziv Extra. Same as above with a bigger hash table and/or extra match checks.
  • ZRLT: Zero Run Length Transform. Similar to RLT but only processes runs of 0. Usually used post BWT.
  • RANK: Rank Transform: A transform that that reduces entropy by assigning shorter symbols based on symbol frequency ranks. Usually used post BWT.
  • EXE: A transform that reduces the entropy of executable files (X86 & ARM64) by replacing relative jump addresses with absolute ones.
  • TEXT: A text transform that uses a dictionary to replace common words with their index.
  • ROLZ: Reduced Offset Lempel Ziv. An implementation of LZ that replaces match offsets with indexes of match offsets. It yields a more compact output at the cost of an extra indirection (hence slower decoding speeds).
  • ROLZX: Extended ROLZ with more match searches and a more compact encoding.
  • SRT: Sorted Rank Transform: A transform that that reduces entropy by assigning shorter symbols based on symbol frequency ranks. Usually used post BWT.
  • LZP: Lempel Ziv Prediction can be described as an LZ implementation with only one possible match (hence the offset is not even emitted). It is pretty weak (but fast) and usually used prior to a BWT to remove some redundancy and speed up coding.
  • MM: Multimedia transform is a fast transform that removes redundancy in correlated channels in some multimedia files (EG. wav, pnm).
  • UTF: a fast transform replacing UTF-8 codewords with aliases based on frequencies.
  • PACK: a fast transform replacing unused symbols with aliases based on frequencies.

Entropy codecs

Several entropy codecs have been implemented (sorted by increasing compression):

  • Huffman: The codec is a fast canonical Huffman implementation. Both encoder and decoder use tables to compute code lengths and values instead of a tree (for speed purpose).
  • RANGE: A fast implementation that uses pre-computed block statistics.
  • ANS: Based on Range Asymmetric Numeral Systems by Jarek Duda (specifically an implementation by Fabian Giesen). Works in a similar fashion to the Range encoder but uses only 1 state (instead of bottom and range) and does encoding in reverse byte order.
  • FPAQ: A binary arithmetic codec based on FPAQ1 by Matt Mahoney. Uses a simple, adaptive order 0 predictor based on frequencies. Fast and compact code.
  • CM: A binary arithmetic codec derived from BCM by Ilya Muravyov. Uses context mixing of counters to generate a prediction. Efficient and decently fast.
  • TPAQ: A binary arithmetic codec based initially on Tangelo 2.4 (itself derived from FPAQ8). Uses context mixing of predictions produced by one layer neural networks. The initial code has been heavily tuned to improve compression ratio and speed. Slowest but usually best compression ratio.

Compression levels

0 = NONE&NONE (store)










Bitstream format

stream header (once at the beginning of the stream)

bits role value comment
32 magic number 0x4B414E5A 'KANZ'
4 bit stream version 5
1 block checksum ? 0 or 1
5 entropy see table one among 32
48 transforms (8*6 bits) see table up to 8 among 64
28 block size / 16 in bytes
2 bits for input size 0 to 3 not provided or >= 2^48: 0, <2^16: 1, <2^32: 2, <2^48: 3
0,16,32,48 input size(*) 0 to (2^48)-1 checked by the decompressor
16 header checksum 0 to 65535 checked by the decompressor

(*) If the input size is not available to the compressor, this field is skipped.


  • NONE_TYPE = 0; No compression
  • HUFFMAN_TYPE = 1; Huffman
  • FPAQ_TYPE = 2; Fast PAQ (order 0)
  • PAQ_TYPE = 3; PAQ (Obsolete, not supported)
  • RANGE_TYPE = 4; Range
  • ANS0_TYPE = 5; Asymmetric Numerical System order 0
  • CM_TYPE = 6; Context Model
  • TPAQ_TYPE = 7; Tangelo PAQ
  • ANS1_TYPE = 8; Asymmetric Numerical System order 1
  • TPAQX_TYPE = 9; Tangelo PAQ Extra


  • NONE_TYPE = 0; Copy
  • BWT_TYPE = 1; Burrows Wheeler
  • BWTS_TYPE = 2; Burrows Wheeler Scott
  • LZ_TYPE = 3; Lempel Ziv
  • SNAPPY_TYPE = 4; Snappy (obsolete, not supported)
  • RLT_TYPE = 5; Run Length
  • ZRLT_TYPE = 6; Zero Run Length
  • MTFT_TYPE = 7; Move To Front
  • RANK_TYPE = 8; Rank
  • EXE_TYPE = 9; Codec for executables
  • DICT_TYPE = 10; Text codec
  • ROLZ_TYPE = 11; ROLZ codec
  • ROLZX_TYPE = 12; ROLZ Extra codec
  • SRT_TYPE = 13; Sorted Rank
  • LZP_TYPE = 14; Lempel Ziv Predict
  • MM_TYPE = 15; Multimedia (FSD) codec
  • LZX_TYPE = 16; Lempel Ziv Extra
  • UTF_TYPE = 17; UTF codec
  • PACK_TYPE = 18; Pack codec

block header (at the beginning of each block)

bits optional? role comment
5 no log(cbs) - 3 block size <= 1GB
log(cbs) no cbs compressed block size (cbs), if 0 last block
8*cbs no block data if cbs = 0, no data

block data

bits optional? role comment
8 no block mode see format below
8 yes block transform skip flags present if more than 4 transforms only
8*ds no data ds = 1+((mode>>5)&0x03)
32 yes block checksum XXHash32 checksum
// mode | 0b10000000 => copy block
//      | 0b0yy00000 => size(size(block))-1
//      | 0b000y0000 => 1 if more than 4 transforms
//  case 4 transforms or less
//      | 0b0000yyyy => transform sequence skip flags (1 means skip)
//  case more than 4 transforms, read next byte
//      | 0byyyyyyyy => transform sequence skip flags (1 means skip)

To decode a block

  • Decode the block header
  • Read the block data
  • Entropy decode the data
  • Run sequentially every inverse transform on the decoded data (except those with a skip flag set to 1)
  • If a checksum was present, compute checksum of the decompressed data and compare with the checksum provided in the bitstream