For reference my configration
- Create an issue in my dotfiles
- I am willing to add features, so just ask
- Convert python objects to Hyprlang
Defining Configurations
To define configurations, use the provided classes. Here's a brief overview:
- RGBA: Represents a color in RGBA format.
- Gradient: Represents a gradient between two colors.
- Vec2: Represents a 2-dimensional vector.
- Parameters: Represents parameters for handlers.
- Handler: Represents a handler in Hyprlang.
- Category: Represents a category in Hyprlang.
- Hyprlang_config: Manages a Hyprlang configuration.
- Hyprlang: Main class to manage and watch configuration files.
color0 = RGBA(r=255, g=0, b=0, a=0.5) # a is optional
# Represents an RGBA color with red (255), green (0), blue (0), and alpha (0.5)
# Output: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)
color1 = RGBA.from_hex("#ffffff")
# Converts hex color #ffffff to RGBA format
# Output: rgba(255, 255, 255)
gradient = Gradient(s=color0, e=color1, angle=90)
# Defines a gradient from color0 to color1 at a 90-degree angle
# Output: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) rgba(255, 255, 255) 90deg
vec = Vec2(x=10, y=20)
# Represents a 2-dimensional vector with x=10 and y=20
# Output: 10 20
params = Parameters(10, 20, "Hello")
# Represents parameters with values 10, 20, and "Hello"
# Output: 10, 20, Hello
handler = Handler("key", params)
# Creates a handler with keyword "key" and parameters (10, 20, "Hello")
# Output: key = 10, 20, Hello
category = Category("category", handler)
# Defines a category named "category" with the handler created above
# Output:
# category {
# key = 10, 20, Hello
# }
conf = Hyprlang_config(__file__) # Initializes a Hyprlang configuration with the current file name
# only one instance of Hyprlang_config named `config` should be created per file if you want to import it and use watch
# otherwise you can create multiple instances of Hyprlang_config
conf.add_side_effect(lambda: print("Hello"))
# Adds a side effect that prints "Hello" when the file is modified
key2=("value2", 10, 20),
key3={"key4": "value4", "key5": ("value5", 10, 20)},
key6=[{"key7": "value7"}, ("key8", 10, 20), "value9"]
# creating parameters, handlers and categories for each thing is too much work
# so you can use add_config_entries to add them easily, some examples at the end
config = Hyprlang("path_to_output.conf", __file__)
# one per file stored in a variable named `config`
config.add(conf) # Adds the created conf to the Hyprlang instance
config.write() # Writes the configuration to the specified output file # Starts watching the config file for changes
from Hyprlang import *
conf = Hyprlang_config(__file__)
wallpaper = "/home/minoru/Desktop/wallpapers/dragonball/340761.jpg"
def restart_hyprpaper():
from os import system
system("killall hyprpaper")
system("hyprpaper >/dev/null & disown")
def pre_process(wall):
from os import system
system(f'magick "{wall}" -resize 1920x1080 -background black -gravity center -extent 1920x1080 /tmp/hyprlang/wallpaper.png')
wallpaper = "/tmp/hyprlang/wallpaper.png"
wallpaper=[(monitor, wallpaper)],
config = Hyprlang("/tmp/hyprlang/hyprpaper.conf", __file__)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from time import sleep
from Hyprlang import *
conf = Hyprlang_config(__file__)
("eDP-1", "1920x1080", "0x0", "1"),
("HEADLESS-2", "1280x720", "2000x2000", "1"),
# Output:
# monitor = eDP-1, 1920x1080, 0x0, 1
# monitor = HEADLESS-2, 1280x720, 2000x2000, 1
env=[("XCURSOR_SIZE", "24"), ("MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND", "1")],
# Output:
# env = XCURSOR_SIZE, 24
"kb_layout": "us",
"repeat_rate": 50,
# Output:
# input {
# kb_layout = us
# repeat_rate = 50
# }
- if value is a list each item will be parameters in a handler repeated for each item
- if value is a tuple it will be parameters in a handler only once
- if value is a dict it will be a category