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Table Data

Frank Pereny edited this page Nov 29, 2021 · 9 revisions

Data Format

All data is stored in CSV (comma-separated value) format.

Tables are stored in the following format:

Data should only be modified for cells in [brackets].

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
Row 1 Unit Type [Name of Unit Type or Category] (Should match file name) N/A
Row 2 Master Unit [Name of Master Unit] N/A
Row 3 Unit Name [Conversion Value] Notes
Row 4 [Name of Unit] [Conversion Value] (Relative to Master Unit) [Note Text]
... ... ... ...
Last Row [Name of Unit] [Conversion Value] (Relative to Master Unit) [Note Text]


Table Format Example (Acceleration.dat)

Default Data

Konverter contains many tables of engineering and scientific conversions. Default (built-in) data is stored as CSV (comma-separated values) in the /data/.default folder on Linux and MacOS systems and \data\.default on Windows systems.

Note: The .default folder is a hidden folder on Linux and MacOS.

Default files have the .dat extension to avoid confusion with user-created CSV data. The files can be viewed and edited with any spreadsheet or text-editor application that supports CSV files.

Note: Default data cannot be modified in the GUI application. If you wish to make changes, it can be modified in an external text editor is spreadsheet application. It is best practice to not modify these files except to fix incorrect conversions. If you wish to add additional conversions consider cloning the default table to a custom table.

If you find an incorrect conversion please report it.

Custom Data

User-created tables are created as CSV (comma-separated values) files and stored in the /data folder. User created files have the .csv extension to help avoid confusion with default tables. The files can be viewed and edited with any spreadsheet or text-editor application that supports CSV files.

Master Unit

All conversion tables have a Master Unit. All values in the data table are relative to the Master Unit only. The Master Unit value cannot be edited or removed. This prevents unintended consequences and logical errors. The Master Unit is assigned the value of 1.0 automatically by the program.

It is possible to change the master unit of custom tables. Doing so will assign the value of 1.0 to a new unit, and automatically change all table values to be relative to the new unit. This preserves all existing conversions. After selecting a new Master Unit, the previous Master Unit will be able to be modified while the new Master Unit will not.

To change the Master Unit, first set the program into edit mode by clicking the Enable Editing checkbox. This will enable the Change Master button and unit selection menu. Clicking the Change Master button will assign a new Master Unit to this table.

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