This is a Minecraft server plugin that divides the world into individual servers and synchronizes your data with them.
- Going through sector border and teleporting between sectors
- Player data synchronization between sectors
- Synchronization of sector information
- One velocity server
- min. 2 spigot servers
- One redis distribution
The configuration of the sectors themselves is simple and clear. Just set the location of each sector and provide the redis distribution data in config
Sectors configuration
"sectorMap": {
"s1": {
"name": "s1",
"sectorType": "NORMAL",
"minX": -100,
"maxX": 1000,
"minZ": 100,
"maxZ": 1000
"spawn_1": {
"name": "spawn_1",
"sectorType": "SPAWN",
"minX": -100,
"maxX": 100,
"minZ": -100,
"maxZ": 100
Database Configuration
"redisHost": "localhost",
"redisPassword": "root",
"redisPort": 6379
Spigot Configuration
"currentSector": "s1"
Messages Configuration
"cannotPlaceBlockNearSectorMessage": "&CNie możesz stawiać bloków przy granicy sektora!",
"cannotBreakBlockNearSectorMessage": "&cNie możesz niszczyć bloków przy granicy sektora!",
"actionbarBorderMessage": "&7Jesteś blisko sektora &2{DISTANCE}&7m",
"sectorIsOfflineMessage": "&cSektor z którym się chcesz aktualnie połączyć jest aktualnie wyłączony!",
"noSectorsAvailableMessage": "&cBrak dostepnych sektorów",
"playerDataNotFoundMessage": "&cWystąpił problem podczas ładowania danych",
"playerDataLoadedMessage": "&aPomyslnie zaladowano twoje dane",
"playerAlreadyConnectedMessage": "&cJesteś aktualnie połączony z tym kanałem",
"spawnSectorNotFoundMessage": "&cNie odnaleziono dostepnego sektora spawna",
"scoreboardTitle": "&a&lOpenSectors 2.0",
"scoreboardLines": [
"&7Polaczono z &a{SECTOR}",
"&7Uzyj: &a/ch &7aby ",
"&7zmienic kanal",
"&7Online: &a{ONLINE}",
"&7TPS: &a{TPS}",
"connectedInfoTitle": "&a&lOpenSectors 2.0",
"connectedInfoSubTitle": "&7Pomyslnie &a&npolaczono &7z sektorem &a&n{SECTOR}"
if you found a bug in OpenSectors write to me on discord fizuxd
- Make an easy-to-use API for developers
- Support for newer MC versions