⚫ ansible
Ansible is a powerful automation tool that you can learn quickly.
Ansible development for Wahoo / fish.
Note: You need to have
source code handy and setANSIBLE_HOME
prior to loading Wahoo.
wa g ansible
If not yet installed ansible source can be fetched easily:
cd; pwd
git clone --depth 1 --recursive https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git
In your config.fish
prior to sourcing init.fish
set accordingly:
set -g ANSIBLE_HOME $HOME/ansible
Finally, you should be ready for development - ansible --version
ansible 2.0.0 (devel f40b66d841) last updated 2015/07/13 01:18:43 (GMT +200)
lib/ansible/modules/core: (detached HEAD 9acf10face) last updated 2015/07/13 01:18:50 (GMT +200)
lib/ansible/modules/extras: (detached HEAD 8a89f4afe4) last updated 2015/07/13 01:18:54 (GMT +200)
v1/ansible/modules/core: (detached HEAD f8d8af17cd) last updated 2015/07/13 01:19:01 (GMT +200)
v1/ansible/modules/extras: (detached HEAD 495ad450e5) last updated 2015/07/13 01:19:05 (GMT +200)
configured module search path = /Users/tom/Sync/prjcts/ansible/library