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Node and npm versions

Node: 16.15.0 Npm: 8.5.5

Running locally (docker)

First, start the backend container elsewhere using docker compose, with docker-compose.e2e.yaml.

Then, build the frontend container with

docker build -t vaylariski-frontend --build-arg PROXY_URL=http://vaylariski_backend_e2e_test:8080 --build-arg REACT_APP_BASE_REST_URL=vaylariski/rest .

and run the container with

docker run -p 3000:3000 --network=vaylariski_default vaylariski-frontend:latest

End-to-end tests

NOTE! The tests can be run locally with a connection to the Snowflake database. HOWEVER, when the tests are in our CI-pipeline, the data that is used comes from a local postgres server (containerized). Since the postgres server only contains a subset of the data found in Snowflake, make sure the tests also work with that data. As of 14.7.2023, the only two wayareas that exist in the postgres server are the wayareas with id 100 and 7010. Thus, it's recommended to use these wayareas when writing tests. Instructions on how to run the dockerized backend and postgres server is found in the backend repo's

How to run end-to-end (E2E) tests locally

We use the Cypress-library for running the E2E tests. For running the tests, you need to have three terminal sessions: one for running the backend, one for the frontend, and one for running cypress.

Step-by-step guide on how to run the E2E tests:

  1. Run the backend with your desired branch on terminal 1
  2. Run the frontend with your desired branch on terminal 2
  3. Open terminal 3 and navigate to the frontend folder (root-folder where e.g. package.json resides). NOTE! If this is your first time running tests, make sure to run the command npm i to install the cypress library
  4. Run the command npm run cypress. This should open up cypress in a new cypress-browser
  5. Choose "E2E Testing"
  6. Choose your browser. NOTE! If you cannot see any other browser execpt for Electron, you might not have the desired browser installed. This can happen e.g. when running the cypress command from a WSL-terminal, which doesn't have other browsers such as Chrome or Firefox pre-installed. To get the browser(s) you want to test against, you need to download and install that browser. Example for installing Chrome for WSL have be found here
  7. You can find the E2E tests under the cypress/e2e folder in the newly opened window. Run your desired tests

Deployment to test and prod

When we want to deploy to test and prod, we only need to merge our changes to the relevant branches. However, we must FIRST MERGE TO THE BACKEND before the frontend. This is due to the CI-pipeline that is run on the frontend branch.

NOTE! If you deploy a new version from dev -> test, create a new tag and push it to git:

  • Checkout the dev branch locally
  • Run: git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "Version X.Y.Z"
  • Run: git push origin vX.Y.Z

Then, do the following:

  • Create a pull request on the backend from the branch dev -> test (update to test) or test -> prod (update to production)
    • When the pull request is okay, merge the pull request
  • NOTE!!! If the deployment is dev -> test, remember to update the header version in the file Header.js, and version numbers in package.json (found at the top of the file) before creating the pull-request.
    • Checkout the dev branch locally, and update the correct fields.
    • Run npm i to get the updated version number to package-lock.js.
    • Push to git with git push -f
  • Create a pull request on the frontend from the branch dev -> test (update to test) or test -> prod (update to production)
    • Check that the tests in the pipeline are okay
    • When the pull request is okay, merge the pull request

As our AWS-pipeline checks for changes on the branches test and prod, automatic deployment happens after merging to either of these branches. Thus, no more action is needed by the developer to complete the deployment.

VSCode extensions

Need to have:

  • EJS language support
  • ESLint
  • Prettier (9.14.0)
  • Pylance
  • Python

Good to have:

  • Docker
  • Git Graph
  • GitLens
  • Snowflake

Nice to have:

  • Black Formatter
  • Console Ninja
  • env-cmd-file
  • GitHub Actions
  • Image preview
  • indent-preview
  • Jupyter
  • Markdown All in One
  • markdownlint
  • Todo Tree
  • Random Everything
  • vscode-pdf
  • vscode-pets
  • WSL (if you're using WSL)


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