This repository contains (or will) Field Papers' atlas creation pipeline.
This pipeline involves outputting an atlas-specific HTML page containing page breaks (as appropriate), intended for output as a PDF using wk<html>topdf.
Install wkhtmltopdf
. The OS
X installer unfortunate side-effect of resetting permissions on some folders
within /usr/local
(if you're using Homebrew).
To create a PDF:
wkhtmltopdf http://host/path atlas.pdf
By default, this will produce A4-sized portrait output. To change the
orientation, use -O Landscape
. To change the paper size, use -s Letter
Standard images for the web are 72dpi. Retina images (@2x) are twice that, at 144dpi. Since we're generating output intended for print, we'd like to get to 300dpi if possible. Using standard tiles, we can offset by 2 zoom levels and shrink the effective image size to 64px (substantially shrinking the size of features and text). This can be done in Leaflet like so:
L.tileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {
tileSize: 64,
zoomOffset: 2
Retina tiles (512x512px) can target the same resolution and only offset by a single zoom:
L.tileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.png", {
tileSize: 128,
zoomOffset: 1