A user interface for editing Commandos 2 mission files,
Tool can read a mis file, extract information, can add/remove/update commandos/soldier/patrols in the mission, Currently we can perform only following actions,
Current functionality,
- Add soldiers/patrols,
- Add soldiers/patrols routes,
- Add soldiers/patrols actions in a route,
- Add commandos,
- Set camera, music, briefing, etc.
Not done,
- Actions for soldiers/patrols in a route,
- Items in backpack for commandos and soldiers,
- Objectives,
- .INTERFAZ is not updated when a commando is added/removed from the mission,
File Reading Status,
- Full -> We can read/write this information using the UI,
- Partial -> Only some sections can be updated using the UI,
- None -> We just read it and write it bacak when saving the file,
Here you can find what we can update in file and what we dont,
.VISORES // Full,
#indicates the cameras starting point
.MUSICA // Full,
#defines the ingame music
.BRIEFING // Full,
#defines the corresponding .bri file
.MUNDO // Partial,
#defines key characters
#defines event triggers
#defines mission ending conditions
#defines the objectives
#defines the rules for events to be triggered
#defines areas where events will be triggered
.BICHOS // Partial - Only Commandos and Soldiers,
#defines the Objects available (Characters, items, animals, etc.)
.ENTES // Full,
#defines the patrols
#defines special areas
#defines ambient sounds in specific areas
.INTERFAZ // None,
#defines specific interface abilities
#defines generic interface abilities
.FICHEROS // Full,
#defines the corresponding .str file
.BAS // Full,