This repo provides a simple Hello World sample project for Spring Boot.
It can be deployed as a standalone web app, as a Cloud Foundy app or as a TAP workload, depending on the deployment option choosen when generating the project.
You can build the project using Maven:
./mvnw clean package
To run the app using the embedded Tomcat server you can run this command:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
You can modify the default message "World" using an application property of app.message
./mvnw package
java -jar target/hello-world-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --app.message=Test
If you make modifications to the source and push to your own Git repository, then you can update the spec.source.git
information in the config/workload.yaml
You can deploy and use the config/workload.yaml
file to set the initial message:
tanzu apps workload apply -f config/workload.yaml
If you would like deploy the code from tyour local working directory you can use the following command:
tanzu apps workload create hello-world -f config/workload.yaml \
--local-path . \
--source-image <REPOSITORY-PREFIX>/hello-world-source \
--type web
Determine the URL to use for the accessing the app by running:
tanzu apps workload get hello-world
To access the deployed app use the URL shown under "Workload Knative Services".
Then, use curl
or some other utility to access the URL:
curl <URL>
This depends on the TAP installation having DNS configured for the Knative ingress.