The original repo is great but it doesn't suit for the Chinese language and China users because of some well known reasons.
There are some additional features beside of the original Beautiful-hugo theme:
- Support Chinese word count
- Mobile devices adaptive
- Use Baidu Analysis(百度统计)
- Use prism for syntax highlighting
- Use algolia for searching
- livere(来必力) 评论插件
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone beautifulhugo
See the Hugo documentation for more information.
Let me show you how to add and debug a new post and push it to Github pages and building a new searching index.
Use this command to create a new post:
hugo add posts/
After the new post created, it is located at ./content/posts/
Classic example:
date: "2017-06-01T20:18:57+08:00"
draft: false
title: "微服务管理框架service mesh——istio安装笔记"
subtitle: "手把手教你安装Istio service mesh"
categories: "cloud-native"
tags: ["kubernetes","istio","service-mesh"]
description: "对文章的简要描述 SEO used for description"
bigimg: [{src: "", desc: "Beijing China|May 28,2017"}]
nocomment: true
postmeta: false
notoc: ture
bigimg:an array, you can specify multiple images in map lists.
postmeta:whether show the post meta data below a post title/subtitle
nocomment: whether show the comment box
notoc: enable the TOC for single blog
Execute this command the build a preview:
hugo server
Visit http://localhost:1313 for the website preview.
4. Update algolia index
Execute this command to build a new algolia index at the project's base path:
grep -v '"content":' algolia.json>rootsongjc-hugo.json
rm -f algolia.json
As the new post created there should be a new record added to this file public/rootongjc-hugo.json
- AddThis: social share botton
- Algolia: search platform
- autocomplete.js: search frontend
- Baidu analysis: website analysis
- Beautiful Hugo: theme
- Bitlinks Short links
- Cloudfare: DNS and https
- Cloudinary: CDN and static images hosting
- Github Pages: website hosting
- Gitment: comments plugin
- Hugo: static website builder
- Hugo-algolia: index json builder
- Namecheap: domain name registry
- Prism: code highlight
This theme is designed to look great on both large-screen and small-screen (mobile) devices.
This theme has support for both server side and client side highlighting.
Use the highlight
shortcode (with Pygments),
see the Hugo documentation for more information.
To use this feature install Pygments (pip install Pygments
) and add pygmentsuseclasses = true
to your config.toml
Use triple backticks ( ``` ) or triple tilde ( ~~~ ) around code blocks.
Client side highlighting does not require pygments to be installed.
To use this feature, uncomment and fill out the disqusShortname
parameter in config.toml
To add Google Analytics, simply sign up to Google Analytics to obtain your Google Tracking ID, and add this tracking ID to the googleAnalytics
parameter in config.toml
If the source of your site is in a Git repo, the SHA corresponding to the commit the site is built from can be shown on the footer. To do so, two environment variables have to be set (GIT_COMMIT_SHA
) and parameter commit
has to be defined in the config file:
commit = "<username>/<siterepo>/tree/"
This can be achieved by running the next command prior to calling Hugo:
GIT_COMMIT_SHA=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD` GIT_COMMIT_SHA_SHORT=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
See at xor-gate/ an example of how to add it to a continuous integration system.
This is a port of the Jekyll theme Beautiful Jekyll by Dean Attali. It supports most of the features of the original theme.
MIT Licensed, see LICENSE.