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Extension of the mouseClick function (add proportion and offset) #40

Extension of the mouseClick function (add proportion and offset)

Extension of the mouseClick function (add proportion and offset) #40

Workflow file for this run

name: Run Examples
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.base.os }}
fail-fast: false
base: [
# Qt v5.15.2
{name: 'qt-5.15.2 ubuntu', os: ubuntu-latest, build_type: Debug,qt_version: [5, 15, 2], shared_libs: 'OFF', tests: 'OFF'},
{name: 'qt-5.15.2 windows', os: windows-latest, build_type: Debug, qt_version: [5, 15, 2], shared_libs: 'OFF', tests: 'OFF', cmake_flags: '"-DAnyRPC_ROOT=C:/Program Files (x86)/AnyRPC" "-DGTest_ROOT=C:/Program Files (x86)/googletest-distribution"'},
{name: 'qt-5.15.2 macos', os: macos-latest, build_type: Debug, qt_version: [5, 15, 2], shared_libs: 'OFF', tests: 'OFF'},
# Qt v6.2.3
{name: 'qt-6.2.3 ubuntu', os: ubuntu-latest, build_type: Debug, qt_version: [6, 2, 3], shared_libs: 'OFF', tests: 'OFF'},
{name: 'qt-6.2.3 windows', os: windows-latest, build_type: Debug, qt_version: [6, 2, 3], shared_libs: 'OFF', tests: 'OFF', cmake_flags: '"-DAnyRPC_ROOT=C:/Program Files (x86)/AnyRPC" "-DGTest_ROOT=C:/Program Files (x86)/googletest-distribution"'},
# Qt6 on GitHub Actions MacOS is currently bugged:
# {name: 'qt-6.2.3 macos', os: macos-latest, build_type: Debug, qt_version: [6, 2, 3], shared_libs: 'OFF', tests: 'OFF'},
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install Qt
uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3
version: ${{ join(matrix.base.qt_version, '.') }}
cache: true
- name: Install dependencies
CI_BUILD_TYPE: ${{ matrix.base.build_type }}
SHARED_LIBS: ${{ matrix.base.shared_libs }}
run: sh ./ci/
- name: "Configure"
run: |
mkdir build
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.base.build_type }} -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DSPIX_BUILD_TESTS=${{ matrix.base.tests }} -DSPIX_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON ${{ matrix.base.cmake_flags }} -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=${{ matrix.base.shared_libs }} -DSPIX_QT_MAJOR=${{ matrix.base.qt_version[0] }} .
- name: "Build"
run: cmake --build build --config ${{ matrix.base.build_type }}
- name: "Test GTest Examples (*nix)"
if: ${{ !contains(matrix.base.os, 'windows') }}
run: |
build/examples/GTest/SpixGTestExample -platform minimal
build/examples/RepeaterLoader/SpixRepeaterLoaderExampleGTest -platform minimal
- name: "Test GTest Examples (win)"
if: ${{ contains(matrix.base.os, 'windows') }}
run: |
.\build\examples\GTest\${{ matrix.base.build_type }}\SpixGTestExample.exe -platform minimal
.\build\examples\RepeaterLoader\${{ matrix.base.build_type }}\SpixRepeaterLoaderExampleGTest.exe -platform minimal