download image samyext4.img >
1.1. place it in folder $/samboot/image -
Format usbdisk FAT32
2.1. Copy all content into root folder
2.2. Insert usbdisk into TV USB-port
2.3. In TV-menu should be appear application "SamyGo"
2.4. Run, it do rooting tv
2.5. Reboot TV, after reboot should be able to connect using ftp, telnet -
Access to TV
3.1. telnet (with empty login/password)
3.2. ftp (with empty login/password)
3.3. telnet has strictions,
- all paths expect to be started from root folder
- sometimes need to confirm twice (press enter twice)
- errour output should be redirected using 2>&1;
for sample: ls -al / 2>&1
othewise not displayed all errors that happend while command returned