- alcubierre | A Roblox Badge-to-Badge Place Teleporter (Python)
- Roblox MetaGamerScore Leaderboard | JSON files of MGS Roblox leaderboard(s) (GitHub Actions, Python)
- Dumb Badge(s) Remover | Batch remove Roblox Player Badges (Python)
- TXT2WARC | A text file to WARC pipeline for grab-site-docker (Python, Docker)
- roblox_wb_proxy | The Wayback Machine as a Roblox API proxy (Luau ModuleScript, Argon)
- YouTube Into The Archive | Checks if a YT video is on Internet Archive (Chrome Extension)
- stemsFromMIDI_BaWaMI.bat | Generate/convert a MIDI file to multiple stems from BaWaMI (Windows Batch)
- Roblox_HighJump_WithGears.ahk | Switching from a jump increase gear to a gravity changing gear mid-jump causes a massive height boost (Roblox, AutoHotKey)
- Roblox_QuickReset.ahk | Quickly reset your character in games with no quick reset support (Roblox, AutoHotKey)
- playrandommeme.py | Plays a random meme after a random amount of time has passed (Python)