Release v3.7, vma-v0.3.10, utils-v0.3
Vulkan [3.7] - 2020-11-24
Bump API version to v1.2.162
This is a breaking change to anyone using VK_KHR_ray_tracing (which no
longer exists)
Add bracketing functions for withRayTracingPipelinesKHR
Add all possible storable instances for Vulkan structs
Remove tuples from the constructors of ClearColorValue
Unpack top level tuple in TransformMatrixKHR
, the matrix
record accessor
has been split into matrixRow0
, matrixRow1
, and matrixRow2
Add extension documentation to extension modules.
Tweak ordering of documentation in Haddocks to make it more user-friendly
VulkanMemoryAllocator [0.3.10] - 2020-11-24
vulkan-utils [0.3] - 2020-11-24
Change type of pickPhysicalDevice to return Nothing instead of throwing
Add checkCommandsExp
function to generate an expression checking specified
commands for non-nullness
Expose Queue family index for queues assigned with assignQueues
Add Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ.Shaderc
to compile HLSL shaders
You can’t perform that action at this time.