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Google Cloud Functions with Fastify

This is a boilerplate repository (template) to create a Google Cloud Functions service that uses Fastify framework.

Why using Fastify for serverless functions?

The main reason (opinionated) is its schema based approach that make easy to validate and serialize input and outputs.

Even if Fastify is complete (extensible) web framework, it could be used also in a serverless environment keeping in mind "that functions as a service should always use small and focused functions" because "is important to remember that the bigger the application the slower the initial boot will be." (Should you use Fastify in a serverless platform?)

Local test

Install Google Functions Framework for Node.js

// Globally
$ npm i -g @google-cloud/functions-framework

// or as development library
$ npm i --save-dev @google-cloud/functions-framework

Run locally with Function Framework

$ npx @google-cloud/functions-framework --target=fastifyFunction

Also a quick npm run dev command script is available in package.json


$ gcloud functions deploy fastifyFunction \
--runtime nodejs14 --trigger-http --region $GOOGLE_REGION --allow-unauthenticated

Read Log

$ gcloud functions logs read

Example request form /me endpoint

$ curl -X POST https://$GOOGLE_REGION-$ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "World" }'
