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Ethereum Hive 🐝 Github Action

This action is a wrapper around Ethereum Hive. It allows you to run tests with different clients and simulators. It also supports uploading test results to S3 and/or as a workflow artifact.

⚠️ Note: This action is still under development and may introduce breaking changes. If you want to use it in your workflows, make sure to reference to a specific commit hash or tag/release.

Used in

Here are some examples of how this action is used in other repositories:


Test Configuration

Input Description Required Default
simulator Simulator to run (e.g. ethereum/sync) Yes ethereum/sync
client Client to test Yes go-ethereum
client_config Client configuration in YAML format No -
extra_flags Additional flags to pass to hive No -
skip_tests Skip tests. Useful when used together with input.website_upload = "true" to upload the website without running tests. No false

Hive Configuration

Input Description Required Default
hive_repository Hive repository to use No ethereum/hive
hive_version Hive version/branch to use No master
go_version Go version used to build hive No 1.21

S3 Upload Configuration

Input Description Required Default
s3_upload Upload test results to S3 No false
s3_bucket S3 bucket name No* -
s3_path Path prefix in S3 bucket No hive-results
rclone_version Rclone version to use No latest
rclone_config Base64 encoded rclone config file No -
website_upload Upload Hive View website No true

*Required if s3_upload is true

GitHub Workflow Artifact Configuration

Input Description Required Default
workflow_artifact_upload Upload test results as a workflow artifact No false
workflow_artifact_prefix Name of the workflow prefix. If not provided, the prefix will be the simulator and client name. No -


Simple example doing sync tests with the latest go-ethereum

- uses: ethpandaops/[email protected]
    client: go-ethereum
    simulator: ethereum/sync

With custom client config

You can customize the client configuration. This allows using different docker files that are available for each client and their respective build arguments.

    - client: go-ethereum
      nametag: prague-devnet-5
      dockerfile: git
        github: ethpandaops/go-ethereum
        tag: my-custom-branch

Then you can use the CLIENT_CONFIG environment variable in your workflow.

- uses: ethpandaops/[email protected]
    client: go-ethereum
    simulator: ethereum/sync
    client_config: ${{ env.CLIENT_CONFIG }}

Uploading the results directory to S3

You'll need to create an rclone config and base64 encode it. Then store it as a github actions secret on your repository.

An example rclone config could look like this:

# Content of rclone.conf
type = s3
provider = Cloudflare
region = auto
endpoint =
access_key_id = your-access-key-id
secret_access_key = your-secret-access-key
no_check_bucket = true

Then you can run base64 -w 0 rclone.conf and store the output as a github actions secret.

Afterwards you just need to reference the secret for the rclone_config input.

- uses: ethpandaops/[email protected]
    client: go-ethereum
    simulator: ethereum/sync
    client_config: ${{ env.CLIENT_CONFIG }}
    s3_upload: true
    s3_bucket: my-bucket
    s3_path: my-path
    rclone_config: ${{ secrets.RCLONE_CONFIG }}

Just upload the website using hiveview without running tests

- uses: ethpandaops/[email protected]
    website_upload: true # This is required to upload the website
    skip_tests: true # This is required to skip the tests
    s3_upload: true
    s3_bucket: my-bucket
    s3_path: my-path
    rclone_config: ${{ secrets.RCLONE_CONFIG }}

Uploading the results directory as an GitHub workflow artifact

This will upload the test results as a workflow artifact. By default the artifact prefix will be the simulator and client name. You can override this by providing a workflow_artifact_prefix input.

- uses: ethpandaops/[email protected]
    client: go-ethereum
    simulator: ethereum/sync
    workflow_artifact_upload: true
    # workflow_artifact_prefix: my-custom-prefix

Local testing and development

To test the action locally, you can run act with the following command:

act -s GITHUB_TOKEN="$(gh auth token)" -W '.github/workflows/test.yaml'

Or if you configured a custom runner, you can run act with the following command:

act -s GITHUB_TOKEN="$(gh auth token)" -W '.github/workflows/your-workflow.yaml' -P your-self-hosted-runner=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest


Refer to the repository's license file for information on the licensing of this GitHub Action and the associated software.