- Primary contract address. * authorized call sender address * unauthorized call sender address
- Contract source code.
- Contract ABI.
- Contract stub contract.
- Contract code can be verified against the published source code
- Service is 100% operated within the boundaries of the ethereum network.
- Trustless * 100% public api endpoints with no special access to contract creator.
- Supports calls that can be trusted to execute privileged functions (via authorized accounts).
- Easy to use from within your contracts (via contract ABI)
- Easy to use from javascript (using web3) or python (using populus)
- Get paid to execute scheduled calls.
- Public Property * Cannot be suicided
- Schedule any contract function call for a specified block number in the future.
- Designate specific addresses as authorized schedulers and subsequently be able to trust function calls that were scheduled by them.
- Example use from a contract * trust fund contract. * lottery?
- Example use from web3
- Example use from populus
- Ability to execute a function call without paying for it (caller doesn't get paid but the function call still gets executed)
- Ability to extract funds from another address's account.
- Ability to force another account to pay for your function call.