Automatically generate an overview of open source datasets
Project for GLAMhack 2021 ( #GLAMhack2021 ) Fri 16th April - Sat 17th April
Finding and viewing open datasets can be time consuming. Datasets can take a long time to download, and after exploring them you realise it is not in the form you needed.
The idea is to create a tool that could run on open data providers' servers, but also on a local computer, which automatically generates an overview of the files, images and along with summary statistics.
Aim to create a containerised process that takes a locally available filepath and returns a html page or json with:
- collage of example images
- numbers of each file types
- if csv's are present create summary statistics with data quality
to follow
in the src folder
[X] get list of file in a zip (without unzipping it)
[X] return numbers of files in a zip (without unzipping it)
[X] use print statements to create a report in json
[X] generate report as standalone html file
[ ] tidy and refactor
[ ] create flask endpoint that accepts filepath as parameter and return json summary and image collage
[ ] function to check file size of archive members before processing
[X] make photo collage ( could unzip specific files )
[ ] make image resolution summary function
[ ] add flags for input parameters to scripts
[ ] add summaries for csv files
Further Steps
[ ] add support for tar files
[ ] create microservice to run locally (e.g. Flask)
[ ] containerise app with Docker
[ ] decide if core functions should be split into a module
[ ] test speed of different methods
project gdrive folder:
zipfile module: