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Releases: ess-dmsc/kafka-to-nexus


03 Nov 15:44
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  • Feat: Cap the size of the output buffer (max-queued-writes setting) to
    avoid out-of-memory issues. Kafka consumers are paused until the buffer
    usage falls below a fixed threshold.
  • Fix: Honour hdf-output-prefix setting even if absolute paths are sent in
    pl72 messages.
  • Adding (tcp based) service api to query a filewriter for its status
  • Added new module 'mdat' for processing filewriter metadata
    It writes start_time and end_time automatically to the /entry.
  • Fix: Cannot import extra modules due to mismatch in ep00, ep01 and al00 registered names
  • Fix: Max/min/avg datasets do not specify units
  • Fix: Error responses to run_stop commands are generated only if service_id is set and
    matches the id of the filewriter.
  • Feat(monitoring): Export worker_state Carbon metric (idle/writing)
  • Fix: EPICS alarm severity and connection status should be written as integers, not strings.


20 Feb 09:04
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  • Breaking: Run start messages (pl72 schema) now require a start_time field.
  • Breaking: Ignore Kafka IP addresses sent in StartJob messages, experiment
    data is now fetched from the broker configured in job-pool-uri.
  • Commands received without an explicit kafka-to-nexus service_id are no
    longer skipped. The command is processed by all workers and accepted by the
    worker with a matching job_id.
  • Fix: The case when messages are not received from a specific Kafka topic does not
    make the file writer unsubscribe from the topic anymore. Instead a warning is
    provided in the file writer log.
  • Fix: Stop commands sent immediately after a start command were not always processed.
  • Fix: Redact Kafka SASL password in logs.
  • Adding f144, al00 and ep01 writer modules. For more information on the schemas mentioned,
    see (schema definitions here).
  • Adding se00 writer module (see schema definitions here).
  • Adding ev44 writer module (see schema definitions here).
  • Ignore deprecated warnings on macOS (can be removed when chriskohlhoff/asio#1183 is addressed.
  • Enable idempotence setting in the Kafka producer.
  • Updated librdkakfa Conan package version to 2.0.2

Kafka improvements and other fixes

09 Nov 10:00
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  • Increased kafka message buffer sizes and added integration tests for this.
  • Improved help text formatting.
  • Added code for running Kafka tests. This code is disabled by default.
  • It is now possible to set the Kafka poll timeout from the command line. This option should rarely (if ever) be used.
  • The following dependencies have been updated:
    • graylog-logger (#650)
  • Enabled SSL and SASL in librdkafka to support Kafka authentication.
  • Fix to make all Kafka connections honour the provided librdkafka parameters.
  • Silencing x5f2 schema message and file writer not currently writing status message.

Attributes and dependencies

24 May 09:37
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  • Renamed system tests to integration tests.
  • Added integration test to verify proper handling of bad "start writing" messages.
  • Writer module attributes will now be ignored. If you want to set attributes of a parent group, do so directly.
  • Prioritisation has changed such that the NX_class of a parent group to a file-writer module will only be set if no such attribute is already set.
  • All the dependencies have been updated to their latest (conan) version as of 2022-05-23. This has required some changes and bug fixes in the application.

Various experience and opinion based changes

25 Mar 13:49
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  • The filewriter will now only run in the job pool mode. This means that the user is required to supply a job pool topic in the filewriter .ini configuration flag using the --job-pool-uri option.
  • Improved log messages and thread names. Done to aid debugging.
  • Changed fetch.message.max.bytes Kafka variable back to its default value as it was causing timeouts.
  • Fix of bug in setting up the console logger interface.
  • Warning (log) messages will now be produced if the first message from a source has a data type different than that configured for the current writer module instance. This has been implemented for the f142, senv and ADAr modules.
  • The Grafana metrics prefix now has the form "kafka-to-nexus.hostname.service_name" if the service name is set. If not, it has the form "kafka-to-nexus.hostname.service_id".
  • Fix ordering of elements in static data.
  • Added functionality for automatically instantiating extra writer modules.
  • The writer modules f142, senv and tdct will now automatically also instantiate ep00 writer modules at the same location. Disable this by setting the enable_epics_con_status config option to false.
  • The --abort-on-uninitialised-stream command line option has been removed. An error in the JSON code for initialising a stream will now always cause an error that will stop further initialisation.
  • Added documentation.
  • Potentially fixed a bug where the file-writer gets into a bad state.
  • Removed automatic "start_time" and "end_time" metadata fields.
  • Simplified system test code.

Quality of life

24 Nov 09:14
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  • Each ev42 writer module instance will now publish the number of events written to file.
  • It is no longer possible to set a stop time if the previously set stop time has passed. Also added unit tests for this feature.
  • The application will now give you an approximate size of the file it is writing to, rounded up to the nearest 10 MB, in the status messages that it produces.
  • The f142 cue index functionality was unintentianlly disabled but has now been restored to working order. Unit tests were added to prevent future such regression in the code.
  • Creating links should now work properly. The configuration of links has been changed
    and is now closer to how it is configured for datasets and streams, i.e. as a module configuration.
    Unit tests and system test added for link creation cases.
  • Fixed a bug where the file-writer will not abandon an alternative command topic if it fails to start a file-writing job.
  • The f142 value statistics written to file is now done so according to the NeXus format.
  • Added the HDF5/NeXus file structure to the "writing finished"-message and a system test to check this.

Many, many changes

06 Oct 14:15
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Having now had a working development branch for a while but no new release in over a year, it is time to create a new release for all the changes that have been made since version 3.0. The changes include (but are not limited to):

  • Messages with the same timestamp, in the FlatBuffer, as the previous message are not written to file.
    This feature is turned on for all writer modules except event messages (ev42). This allows the Filewriter
    to ignore repeated updates from the Forwarder, which are sent to ensure there is an update available on Kafka
    from shortly before the start of each file being written. (#551)
  • The application is no longer (completely) blocking when doing initial set-up kafka meta data calls. (#554)
  • Fixed bug which caused f142 messages with value of zero to be written as a different value. (#556)
  • Updated conan package dependencies (#557):
    • librdkafka
    • streaming-data-types
    • CLI11
    • trompeloeil
    • date
    • graylog
  • Codebase now requires C++17 to make use of std::optional, std::variant and std::filesystem. filesystem is
    used from the std::experimental namespace when necessary to support gcc 8 and AppleClang 10. Compile times reduced by
    approx 5%, for details of test see PR (#558).
  • The application will no longer fail silently when encountering unit types that it does not recognise when parsing the JSON code for the HDF structure.
  • To better work with grafana, you no longer set the service-id. Instead you set the service name which is then used to generate a service id. The service name is set with the ´--service-name´ argument.
  • Fixed a bug in the metrics code that prevented more than 10 counters from being pushed to Grafana.
  • Flatbuffer verifiers have been re-enabled for command messages.
  • Kafka timing settings have been changed to reduce the probability of timeouts.
  • Removed a bunch of old (and now unused) Kafka metadata code.
  • Multiple improvements to log messages.
  • Modified/fixed/cleaned the system tests.
  • All writer modules now set a NX_class value.
  • The NX_class value configured for a writer module will always override that of the HDF group NX_class value. If configured, a writer module attribute (e.g. NX_class) will override both.
  • The Kafka topic and flatbuffer source names will now automatically be written as (HDF) attributes when instantiating a new writer module.
  • Minor fix to CMake code for working around differences in how file-name leading lower and upper case letters are handled on different systems.
  • The writer module configuration names/keys have been unified.
  • Better documentation of writer module configuration options.
  • The application will now print an error message if there is a configuration that is not used (due to e.g. a typo).
  • The error reporting and handling of writer module configurations have overall been greatly improved.
  • Added support for writing ADAr schemas.
  • A warning/error message will now be produced if an unknown node in the JSON structure is encountered.
  • The shape of (multidimensional) static data sets and metadata sets have been unified such they are now in both cases determined from the shape of the actual data in the JSON-code. The size field for static data sets will thus be ignored.
  • Support for multiple different (non-UTF) text encodings was deemed fragile and incomplete and was thus removed. This means that the use of the encoding-field in a JSON structure will result in an error message.
  • The JSON structure for defining static and streaming datasets (writer modules in the later case) has been unified and made more logical. Read the corresponding documentation for how these structure should now be defined.
  • Support for string array (metadata) HDF% attributes has been removed.
  • Command line arguments that sets a duration have been changed into arguments that accepts a unit e.g. "200ms".
  • Use of SWMR is no longer an option, its mandatory.
  • Fixed issues in the SWMR implementation.
  • There is now rudimentary for automatically generated meta-data fields in the JSON status update string and HDF5 file. This is currently limited to calculating the min, mean and max in f142 writer module instances and automatically writing the start and end times of a file to that file.
  • The application will now attempt to name the processing threads. This should be helpful when running the application under a debugger.
  • Replaced many uses of std::chrono::system_clock_duration with std::chrono::system_clock::time_point. This should make it harder to make some coding mistakes.
  • The spdlog dependency has been removed.

Command system re-write

  • The command system has been (almost completely) re-written. This change completely breaks backwards compatibility in the command system as there are strict requirements on some of the fields in the "start" and "stop" schemas.
  • As a part of this change, the file-writer will now also (if possible and reasonable) respond to a command with a confirmation or failure message. Furthermore, a message will also be sent when the write job has stopped.
  • The code is (currently) the documentation. Instead of implementing your own code for commanding the file-writer, you can use the file-writer-control Python library.
  • Furthermore, command and status topics have been merged into one command + status topic. The command line argument has thus also been changed to --command-status-uri.
  • There is now a job pool functionality. The job pool topic is set with the argument --job-pool-uri.
  • Errors encountered while setting up data streaming or while streaming data from Kafka will now result in the termination of the write job and a message that explains why being posted to the relevant command topic.

Core rewrite of stream logic

03 Jul 13:32
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Other notable changes:

  • use-hdf-swmr and abort-on-uninitialised-stream are now CLI options rather than configurable per job in the Kafka start command.
  • Sending status reports to Kafka is no longer optional.
  • Status reports are flatbuffer serialised.
  • Using the graylog-logger library as a spdlog module is now the default. Set CMake option USE_GRAYLOG_LOGGER=OFF to disable.
  • CMake "find modules" are now generated by Conan and therefore not required in this repository, disabling Conan (CMake option CONAN=DISABLE) and providing your own find modules is still possible.
  • The following dependencies have been updated:
    • spdlog-graylog
    • spdlog
    • librdkafka
    • fmt
    • trompeloeil

Image available on Dockerhub: screamingudder/file-writer:3.0.0

Bug fix for ns10 writer module

14 Apr 10:57
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Fixes a bug where the ns10 writer module would complain if the JSON templates tries to define the NX_class attribute.

Image available on dockerhub: screamingudder/file-writer:2.1.1

Last release before core rewrite and change from JSON to FlatBuffers serialisation of command messages

01 Apr 15:19
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Last release before core rewrite and change from JSON to FlatBuffers serialisation of command messages

Image available on Dockerhub: screamingudder/file-writer:2.1.0