PaperTrailLumberjack is a CocoaLumberjack logger that helps log statements to your log destination at papertrailapp. It can log using TCP and UDP - the default, being TCP (with TLS).
To run the example project; clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Example UDP logging:
RMPaperTrailLogger *paperTrailLogger = [RMPaperTrailLogger sharedInstance]; = @""; //Your host here
paperTrailLogger.port = 9999; //Your port number here
paperTrailLogger.useTcp = NO;
[DDLog addLogger:paperTrailLogger];
Example TCP logging (with TLS):
RMPaperTrailLogger *paperTrailLogger = [RMPaperTrailLogger sharedInstance]; = @""; //Your host here
paperTrailLogger.port = 9999; //Your port number here
[DDLog addLogger:paperTrailLogger];
Your log messages are automatically formatted to meet the syslog specs, which, typically haves a machine name and program name pre-fixed to the log, along with a timestamp. In order to maintain user privacy, PaperTrailLumberjack uses a unique UUID per device (the UUID is random and reset each time the application is deleted and installed again). The program name is the bundle name stripped of whitespaces.
Sample log output:
May 08 23:20:59 0A3F9C64-D271-452F-AD6E-8052BBD3F789 PaperTrailLumberjackiOSExample: 60b PaperTrailLumberjackiOSExampleTests@testUdpLogging@62 "Hi"
By default, PaperTrailLumberjack uses a UUID for machine name and the application's bundle display name for it's program name. These can be overriden, as follows
paperTrailLogger.machineName = @"My Custom Machine";
paperTraiLogger.programName = @"My Program";
Whitespace (if any) in user defined machine and program names will be removed before logging. Sample output
May 08 23:20:59 MyCustomMachine MyProgram: 60b PaperTrailLumberjackiOSExampleTests@testUdpLogging@62 "Hi"
PaperTrailLumberjack can be installed by multiple methods
PaperTrailLumberjack is available through CocoaPods
To install it,
- Objective-C Projects
Add the following line to your Podfile:
use_frameworks! target "YourTargetName" do pod "PaperTrailLumberjack" end
In your project, import the PaperTrailLumberJack header
import <PaperTrailLumberjack/PaperTrailLumberjack.h>
- Swift projects,
Add the following lines to your Podfile:
use_frameworks! target "YourTargetName" do pod "PaperTrailLumberjack/Swift" end
In your project, import PaperTrailLumberJack
import PaperTrailLumberjack
Via Carthage
Carthage is a light-weight dependency manager, that is a lot less intrusive, as compared to Cocoapods. To install with Carthage, add the following entry into your Cartfile and follow the instructions listed here
git ""
You will have to do a non-binary build with Carthage (as otherwise CocoaLumberjack-Swift is not built)
carthage update --no-use-binaries
George Malayil-Philip, [email protected]
Rogue Monkey Technologies & Systems Private Limited
PaperTrailLumberjack is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.