This github action compiles an arduino sketch for the given fqbn and uploads it to the espcd backend.
Required The backend url without path (without tailing slash). Default ""
Required An api key for access to the backend.
Required The fully qualified board name of the device, e.g.: esp8266:esp8266:generic.
Required Path to the arduino sketch that should be compiled.
The id of the product for which the firmware should be set for the given fqbn.
The title of the firmware. Default ""
The description of the firmware. Default ""
Specifies if and which compression should be used to compress the firmware. Options: none, gzip. The esp32 board currently does not support compression. Default "none"
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup arduino cli
uses: arduino/setup-arduino-cli@v1
- uses: espcd/espcd-action@master
api_key: '28323ded-8b33-4d07-aa55-e893687f0175'
fqbn: 'esp8266:esp8266:generic'
sketch: ./my-sketch.ino