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Git Help
I'm not super familiar with gui git tools so I'll just put up the commands for basic command line operations here for now.
Set your name and email so that github knows to allow push/pull and so we can see who did what.
git config --global user.name "Your name here"
git config --global user.email [email protected]
To clone the repository run
git clone <repo url> <new local repo name>
This will create a copy of the repository in your current directory with the given name.
To make local changes, you need to stage the files that you want changed, then do a local commit
Adding is done with the following command:
git add file1 file2 file3
To check the status of which files have been staged for commit and which have been modified but are not ready for commit, run:
git status
To remove files from the working git tree (will still be on local storage but no longer tracked by git, run
git rm file
Note: Do not add binary files or assets to the repo.(.exe, .jpg, .mov, .dll, etc...) The repo will grow very large VERY quickly. Git doesn't really know how to handle these files well. If a file of an undesired type is showing up in the changed files list when git status
is run, check your .gitignore
and add the file type to the list.
###Committing Local Changes
To make a local commit, run
git commit
This will prompt you with a popup / vim asking for a commit message. To bypass this step, you can run:
git commit -m "commit message"
If you know that all the changes you make are desired commits, you can run
git commit -a[m] ["commit message"]
to bypass having to manually add every file with git add
##View Project History
The default logging/info tool git log
has so many options, but to create a good overview of the tree so far I use:
git log --decorate --oneline --graph --color --all
This will create a compact colored graph that displays a shortened commit hash with the description of the commit (limited at 50 chars i believe). If you want to see the changes of a specific file, you can use
git log -p [filename]
and I think this works as well
git show <commit number>
If you wanna be really fancy. Here's an alias that makes some REALLY pretty graphed log output.
git config --global alias.lg log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)' --all
##Branching ###Create Branch Branches are awesome! To create a branch use:
git branch branchname
To see a list of all existing branches, run
git branch
###Checkout Branch To switch to a branch use
git checkout <branchname>
Note: You can only check out a branch if you have no uncommitted files. It is possible to stash these files temporarily...but it may not be the best thing.
Once files have diverged, the branches need to be merged back together for all the changes in both branches to be kept. To merge, first checkout the branch you are merging into, then run branch merge
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff branchname
Also, lets try to always use the --no-ff
option. This prevents git from merging every change made in the feature branch into the master (shown on a graph it would look like a straight line instead of a branch).
###Deleting Branches
If a branch has run its lifespan (ie feature is complete) you can delete it with
git branch -d branchname
This will only work after a merge is done. A branch can also be forced to be deleted at any time (say a feature does not go as intended) with
git branch -D branchname
##Push and Pull
###Pulling New Changes
git pull
will do fetch the head of the branch you are currently on as well as merge all changes into the repo's branch. To pull from a branch you don't currently have a local copy of you can run
git pull origin branchname
Alternatively, this should work
git checkout branchname
it should prompt you to create a local copy of the branch.
To check for changes in the remote branch without attempting to merge, run
get fetch origin branchname
git log -p HEAD..FETCH_HEAD
is the placeholder for the last fetched branch.
###Push to origin
To push a branch to the origin
git push origin branchname
You can also just run git push
and git will configure a default push to always push to the origin repo (once you set it the first time).
##Branching Scheme Here's the link to the pretty good branching scheme! :) http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/