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Class-name expressions in the style of concatenative programming.


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Specification and initial implementation of a sophisticated class-name-expression DSL, written in TypeScript.

Using cx-tagged-template with JSX

Table of Contents


CX (class-expressions) is a concatenative domain-specific language for constructing class-name expressions with a minimal, yet, expressive syntax. The language is initially designed to be used with tagged template literals in JavaScript, but it can also be implemented in other languages that support user-defined sigils, macros, or other forms of syntactic extensions.


The package cx-tagged-template is available on npm and can be installed using any compatible package manager.

npm install cx-tagged-template

The code is compiled to both CJS and ESM formats, and supports tree-shaking. When bundled, the code size can be reduced to approximately 2.17 KB (minified and gzipped).


To start using the cx template tag, you can import it from the package:

import { cx } from 'cx-tagged-template';

Then, you can use the cx template tag to create class-name expressions:

const className = cx`nice nice--better ${0} nice--best`; // "nice--best"


These code snippets demonstrate various features of the cx tagged template in JavaScript:

Using non-string values as conditional expressions

Non-string values can be used as condition tests in class-name expressions. When a non-string value is used as an interpolation, it will be evaluated as a conditional expression, like the if statements. If the value is truthy, the preceding values will be kept in the stack for the next operations. Otherwise, the values will be removed from the stack.

Separating the non-string values from the preceding values with whitespaces is not necessary. However, it is recommended for better readability.

const bordered = false;

nice ${!bordered}
bordered ${bordered}

// Output: "nice"
Using interpolations for string concatenations

String values can be embedded in the class-name expressions by using interpolations. When a placeholder is used with a string value and it is not separated by whitespaces, it will be concatenated with the preceding values.

const colors = {
  dark: {
    fg: "white",
  light: {
    fg: "black",

cx`text-${colors.light.fg} dark:text-${colors.dark.fg}`;

// Output: "text-black dark:text-white"
Using interpolations for dynamic class-names

String interpolations that are separated by whitespaces can be used to create dynamic class-names (e.g. based on variables or JavaScript expressions).

 * @type {"" | "column" | "row"}
const flexDirection = "column";

cx`flex ${flexDirection}`;

// Output: "flex column"
Using string interpolations as conditional expressions

The test operator can be used for conditional removal of values based on the last value in the stack. It is automatically inserted by the parser when a non-string interpolation is detected. However, to test string values, the operator can be used explicitly.

Hint: The test operator does not remove non-empty string test values.

 * @type {"" | "column" | "row"}
const flexDirection = "";

flex ${flexDirection} ${cx.op.test} box

// Output: "nice box"
 * @type {"" | "column" | "row"}
const flexDirection = "column";

flex ${flexDirection} ${cx.op.test} box

// Output: "nice flex column box"
Emitting values in the stack to the renderer explicitly

Emitting is the process of sending the values in the stack to the renderer. Which ignores non-string values and guarantees that the string values are included in the final output (unless they are transformed to empty strings in the renderer layer by a user-defined transformation function). It also clears the stack for the next operations.

When a line-feed or end-of-template is detected, the emit operator is automatically inserted by the parser. However, it can also be used explicitly.

Hint: Every line is isolated from the operators that are placed in the other lines.

 * @type {"" | "column" | "row"}
const flexDirection = "column";

flex ${flexDirection} ${cx.op.emit} box

// Output: "nice flex column box"
Discarding values from the stack

Sometimes, it may be necessary to disable some class-names temporarily. The discard operator can be used to clear the stack. Besides debugging purposes, it can also be used for comments.

Hint: To comment out specific parts of a line, the discard operator can be used with the conjunction of the emit operator.

 * @type {"" | "column" | "row"}
const flexDirection = "column";

flex ${flexDirection} ${cx.op.emit} Comment out. ${cx.op.discard} box
Your lovely important note. ${cx.op.discard}

// Output: "nice flex column box"
Deduplicating class-names

The class-names emitted to the renderer are deduplicated by default. This behavior ensures that the same class-name is not repeated in the final output.

cx`foo foo bar`;

// Output: "foo bar"
Transforming class-names e.g. with CSS Modules

Transformer layer is an extension point that allows developers to customize the final output of the class-names by defining their own transformation functions. The transformer layer can be used to apply transformations such as mapping CSS Modules, adding prefixes or suffixes, or even removing class-names based on certain conditions by returning an empty string.

For utilizing CSS Modules, the implementation provides a built-in extension that can be used to create a transformer that maps class-names to their respective values, which are imported from the CSS module file.

Hint: A custom cx tag can be created per CSS module file.

Hint: The custom cx tag can be named as cmx for distinguishing it from the default cx tag.

import { createCX } from "cx-tagged-template";
import { createCSSModulesTransformer } from "cx-tagged-template/extensions/css-modules";

import styles from "./styles.module.css";

const cmx = createCX({
  transformer: createCSSModulesTransformer(styles),

const className = cmx`foo bar`;

// Assuming that `` equals to "bar", output: "bar"
Defining custom operators

In addition to the built-in operators, custom operators can be defined by using the defineOperator function. The operator function should accept the stack and emit function as arguments.

This feature can be used for creating custom operators that are specific to the project or the use-case.

In the following example, a custom operator named prefix is defined. The operator accepts the last value as a prefix and prefixes the class-names that are placed before the prefix.

Hint: The cx.op object can be used for registering and accessing the operators. This eliminates the need for importing the operators in every file.

Hint: Each custom cx tag can have its own set of custom operators.

cx.op.prefix = defineOperator({
  name: "prefix",
    // Get the last value by removing it from the stack.
    const prefix = stack.values.pop();

    // Keep the CX runtime error-free:
    // Ignore the values that the operator cannot be applied to.
    if (typeof prefix === "string")
      // Iterate over the values in the stack.
      for (let i = 0; i < stack.values.length; i++)
        // Get the value of the current index.
        const value = stack.values[i];

        // Keep the CX runtime error-free:
        // Ignore the values that the operator cannot be applied to.
        if (typeof value === "string")
          // Mutate the value in the stack.
          stack.values[i] = `${prefix}${value}`;

cx`foo bar the- ${cx.op.prefix}`;

// Output: "the-foo the-bar"
Using with JSX components

The cx tagged template can be used inside JSX components for creating dynamic class-names, with an increased level of readability and maintainability compared to the traditional string concatenation methods.

const Button = (props) =>
  const {
    bordered = false,
    color = "primary",
    dense = false,
    disabled = false,
  } = props;

  return (
        px-4 py-1.5 ${!dense}
        ${bordered ? "border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-700" : "border-transparent"}
        opacity-50 cursor-not-allowed ${disabled}
        Append custom class-names passed from the parent component: ${cx.op.discard}

Syntax and Semantics

The syntax and semantics of CX are designed to be minimal and easy to use, allowing developers to create class-name expressions that are both dynamic and composable. At the early stages of CX's design process, the language was not actually inspired by concatenative programming concepts. However, as it evolved, I found myself aligning with the principles of concatenative programming languages and decided to embrace them. Since CX focuses only on class-name expressions, it is tuned to be more developer-friendly on this specific purpose. For example, in CX, line-feeds are considered as emit operators, and non-string interpolations are considered as test operators. This design choice provides a smooth developer experience by reducing keystrokes, boilerplate codes, and cognitive load; while increasing the expressiveness. Apart from these differences, CX's syntax and semantics can be considered as a subset of other concatenative programming languages like Forth.

Before diving into the implementation details, it is worth mentioning that; for ensuring the compatibility and correctness of the implementation with the real-world class-names, the implementation has been thoroughly tested with over 21400 scenarios using a small dataset of class-names composed with different syntaxes and patterns. The dataset is built by extracting various class-names from the documentation of one of the most popular CSS frameworks, Tailwind CSS.

To understand the syntax and semantics of CX, let's continue with this JavaScript implementation; as it can also be used as a reference for integrating the DSL into other languages. The implementation of cx-tagged-template is composed of several key components, each responsible for a specific aspect of the class-name-expression construction process.

In the following sections, we will explore each of these components in detail, starting with the consolidator layer, which is responsible for transforming tagged-template specific data into a more generalized format.


The consolidator is tasked with combining template strings and expressions into a unified stream of fragments, ensuring the correct order and type of fragments.

For example, given the following template:

cx`nice ${false} nice--better ${true}`;

The consolidator emits the following fragments to the parser:

{ index: 0, type: 'template-string', value: 'nice ' }
{ index: 0, type: 'template-expression', value: false }
{ index: 1, type: 'template-string', value: ' nice--better ' }
{ index: 1, type: 'template-expression', value: true }
{ index: 3, type: 'template-feed', value: '' }


The tokenizer parses template-string fragments into tokens, which represent the smallest units of the language.

As the fragments are received by the parser, parser may use the tokenizer to convert string fragments into tokens. For the given fragments above, the tokenizer emits the following tokens back to the parser:

{ index: 0, type: 'character', value: 'n' }
{ index: 1, type: 'character', value: 'i' }
{ index: 2, type: 'character', value: 'c' }
{ index: 3, type: 'character', value: 'e' }
{ index: 4, type: 'whitespace', value: ' ' }
{ index: 5, type: 'eof', value: '' }
{ index: 0, type: 'whitespace', value: ' ' }
{ index: 1, type: 'character', value: 'n' }
{ index: 2, type: 'character', value: 'i' }
{ index: 3, type: 'character', value: 'c' }
{ index: 4, type: 'character', value: 'e' }
{ index: 5, type: 'character', value: '-' }
{ index: 6, type: 'character', value: '-' }
{ index: 7, type: 'character', value: 'b' }
{ index: 8, type: 'character', value: 'e' }
{ index: 9, type: 'character', value: 't' }
{ index: 10, type: 'character', value: 't' }
{ index: 11, type: 'character', value: 'e' }
{ index: 12, type: 'character', value: 'r' }
{ index: 13, type: 'whitespace', value: ' ' }
{ index: 14, type: 'eof', value: '' }


The parser performs both syntactic and semantic analysis of the fragments and tokens. It evaluates string interpolations and inserts implicit operators as necessary.

Continuing the examples in the previous sections, the parser emits the following values and operators to the interpreter:

[Function: operate] { [Symbol(__cx_operator__)]: { name: 'test' } }
[Function: operate] { [Symbol(__cx_operator__)]: { name: 'test' } }
[Function: operate] { [Symbol(__cx_operator__)]: { name: 'emit' } }


The stack serves as the storage layer for the interpreter, buffering class-names and other values between the interpreter and the renderer.


Operators are functions that modify the stack based on their specific behavior. Built-in operators handle tasks such as emitting class-names to the renderer or removing values from the stack, e.g.: conditional removal, etc.

To be compatible with the CSS selector syntax, all the punctuation characters are allowed in the string fragments. Because of this, the language should not have any operators that can be used outside of interpolation placeholders (expression fragments). Besides the compatibility, this design choice also helps reducing the cognitive load by making the language more predictable and easier to use.

For example, in the following snippet, the discard operator can be seen as an interpolation, which is specified inside a placeholder.

cx`nice nice--better ${true} ${cx.op.discard} nice--best`; // "nice--best"

Built-in Operators

Respecting the minimalist nature of the language, a small set of operators is provided to handle the most essential tasks. These operators are:

  • discard: Clears the stack. It can be used for comments or debugging purposes.
  • emit: Emits the string values in the stack to the renderer, then clears the stack for the next operations.
  • test: Works as a conditional operator, removing values from the stack based on the last value.

Implicit Operators

Implicit operators are automatically inserted by the parser to handle predefined behaviors. For example, the test operator is inserted when a conditional expression (non-string and non-operator value) is detected. And the emit operator is inserted when a line feed or template feed (end of template) is detected.


The interpreter manages the stack, pushing values onto it and executing operators as required.

Back on the example in the parser section, as the parser emits the values and operators, the interpreter processes them, updating the stack accordingly. Each line in this demonstration represents the state of the stack after a value or operator is processed:

Stack: []
Stack: ["nice"]
Stack: ["nice", false]
Operation: test
Stack: []
Stack: ["nice--better"]
Stack: ["nice--better", true]
Operation: test,
Stack: ["nice--better"]
Operation: emit,
Stack: []


As an extension point, transformers allow developers to customize the final output of the class-names by defining their own transformation functions. The transformer layer can be used to apply transformations such as CSS Modules, adding prefixes or suffixes, or even removing class-names based on certain conditions by returning an empty string.


The renderer aggregates and deduplicates class-names, applying any specified transformation. It concatenates the class-names into a single string, which is returned to the template tag.

Once a class-name is emitted to the renderer; unless it is transformed to an empty string by a user-defined transformer, it is guaranteed to be uniquely present in the final output.

Template Tag

The template tag serves as the public interface, allowing developers to create class-name expressions. It orchestrates the flow of data through the various components, ultimately returning the final result.



This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more information, see the LICENSE file.