Some devs have difficulties in understanding the concept of callbacks in RxJS. For this reason you will find two ways of creating Observables: the short way and the long way where everything is typed.
Install Node.js and npm and check if the installation went well
node -v
npm -v
To run Typescript code need to install these packages
npm install -g ts-node
npm install -g typescript
Then you can run the code by this
ts-node ./solutions/observable_with_types.ts
As each asynchronous datastream is wrapped around an Observable you always know how to handle every different datastream. You don't have multiple different implementations about it.
- http requests
- click events
Wraps a stream that continuously emits data over data
The Observer is passed to Observable.subscribe(observer) as an callback. It executes a piece of code when invoked by the Observable.
The Observer has the following three methods:
- next()
- error()
- complete()