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Ardupilot logs from the drones.

How to visualize the logs:

For this steps you need to use an Ubuntu machine and have installed mavproxy (pip install mavproxy should do it). Having that, we can convert the logs from the binary format that they are stored (.BIN) to a plain text format using the tool: 1.BIN > log_plaintext.txt

Now we should be able to see the content of this log just by reading the file:

cat log_plaintext.txt
1969-12-31 16:00:00.20: IMU {TimeMS : 63947, GyrX : 0.0350766777992, GyrY : -0.0315700694919, GyrZ : 0.0244770497084, AccX : -0.730231523514, AccY : -0.74220252037, AccZ : -10.3549222946}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.04: MAG {TimeMS : 63957, MagX : 0, MagY : 0, MagZ : 0, OfsX : 0, OfsY : 0, OfsZ : 0, MOfsX : 0, MOfsY : 0, MOfsZ : 0}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.22: IMU {TimeMS : 63967, GyrX : 0.0324161276221, GyrY : -0.0321021787822, GyrZ : 0.0250091589987, AccX : -0.633266329765, AccY : -0.744596719742, AccZ : -10.3309803009}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.24: IMU {TimeMS : 63987, GyrX : 0.0324161276221, GyrY : -0.0294416323304, GyrZ : 0.0287339277565, AccX : -0.575805485249, AccY : -0.784101068974, AccZ : -10.5368814468}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.26: IMU {TimeMS : 64007, GyrX : 0.0340124554932, GyrY : -0.0294416323304, GyrZ : 0.030862364918, AccX : -0.654814183712, AccY : -0.811634361744, AccZ : -10.2902784348}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.28: IMU {TimeMS : 64027, GyrX : 0.0308197960258, GyrY : -0.0326342917979, GyrZ : 0.0297981463373, AccX : -0.76853877306, AccY : -0.836773514748, AccZ : -10.6158905029}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.30: IMU {TimeMS : 64047, GyrX : 0.0340124554932, GyrY : -0.0310379602015, GyrZ : 0.0287339277565, AccX : -0.678756177425, AccY : -0.770932972431, AccZ : -10.4459018707}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.06: MAG {TimeMS : 64057, MagX : 0, MagY : 0, MagZ : 0, OfsX : 0, OfsY : 0, OfsZ : 0, MOfsX : 0, MOfsY : 0, MOfsZ : 0}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.06: BARO {TimeMS : 64057, Alt : -0.0284720920026, Press : 100962.296875, Temp : 37.31}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.06: CTUN {TimeMS : 64057, ThrIn : 322, AngBst : 2, ThrOut : 324, DAlt : 0.0, Alt : 0.019999999553, BarAlt : -0.02, DSAlt : 0.0, SAlt : 0.0, DCRt : 0, CRt : 11}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.06: ATT {TimeMS : 64057, DesRoll : -12.77, Roll : 6.47, DesPitch : -12.77, Pitch : -6.26, DesYaw : 51.46, Yaw : 56.2}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.06: EKF1 {TimeMS : 64057, Roll : 0.0, Pitch : 0.0, Yaw : 0.0, VN : 0.0, VE : 0.0, VD : 0.0, PN : 0.0, PE : 0.0, PD : 0.0, GX : 0.0, GY : 0.0, GZ : 0.0}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.06: EKF2 {TimeMS : 64057, AX : 50, AY : 0, AZ : 0, VWN : 0.0, VWE : 0.0, MN : 0, ME : 0, MD : 0, MX : 0, MY : 0, MZ : 0}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.06: EKF3 {TimeMS : 64057, IVN : 0.0, IVE : 0.0, IVD : 0.0, IPN : 0.0, IPE : 0.0, IPD : 0.0, IMX : 0, IMY : 0, IMZ : 0, IVT : 0.0}
1969-12-31 16:00:00.06: EKF4 {TimeMS : 64057, SV : 0.0, SP : 0.0, SH : 0.0, SMX : 0.0, SMY : 0.0, SMZ : 0.0, SVT : 0.0, OFN : 0, EFE : 0, FS : 0, DS : 0}


The logs can be plotted using the tool. For example, the gyroscopes can be visualized using: 10.BIN "IMU.GyrX" "IMU.GyrY" "IMU.GyrZ"

A new window should appear and plot the gyros:

Similarly, we can plot the accelerometers: 10.BIN "IMU.AccX" "IMU.AccY" "IMU.AccZ"

or even the attitude (pitch, roll and yaw): 10.BIN "ATT.Roll" "ATT.Pitch" "ATT.Yaw"

(for more possible plots, convert any log into plain text with the script and get inspiration reading the log)

How to contribute with logs:

We are happy to receive logs from anyone who feels like sharing but we ask you to do it under the following policies:

  • Logs should be cataloged for each board kind: erle-board, pxf, etc.
  • The logs should be cataloged under the kind of vehicled: copter, plane or rover.
  • The logs should be clasified by date (day-month-year format)
  • The logs should be cataloged by the sensors used (imu-baro-gps-others form). E.g.: mpu9250-ms5611 or mpu6000-ms5611 and so on.


How do I identify which sensors my vehicle is using?

The sensors used are printed when copter, rover or plane are launched:

Init ArduCopter V3.2-rc3 (588ab0ef)

Free RAM: 4096
FW Ver: 120

load_all took 100us
IMU: MPU9250
Barometer: MS5611 SPI

How do I change the sensors that my robot is using?

There's a script that does the change for you. After running the script you just need to recompile. E.g.: to change to the MPU6000 you would do:

cd ardupilot/Tools/Linux_HAL_Essentials
root@beaglebone:~/ardupilot/Tools/Linux_HAL_Essentials# source mpu6000


ardupilot logs from the drones






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